11 - Escalation

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It has been a week since Elijah has been at my house. Today is friday and I'm reconsidering my decision about staying with him. This job got worse over the past few days. He let me run errands, he usually did. The paperwork became more and so I had to work all day long, instead of taking breaks in between.

I get that he's upset, but that is unprofessional and I'm done. I'm glad it's Friday, but bummed because he's coming over tomorrow. I got out of the office at four and made my way towards Emma's kindergarten. I had to rush, since I'm having a date with Richard today and I'm planning on telling him about Emma.

"Hey." I smiled at Anne, once I stepped into the building. I was immediately greeted with loud giggles and squeals. Heaven for children, I was sure of that. As always Anne smiled back, but there was something off.

"Did something happen?" I voiced my thoughts as I let my eyes roam around the room. Where was Emma?
"Not exactly. It's just-" She cut herself off.

"I'm guessing you're looking for Emma, but she's having a time out. She continuously yelled 'fuck' for no particular reason. I'm sure she picked that up from the streets or anything, but I had to tell you." She told me and my jaw dropped. Oh I know exactly where she picked that up.

"Oh my God. I am so sorry. Where is she?" I asked and followed Anne to a separated room. I'm so going to kill Elijah.
"Mommy!" I heard my little angel yell and soon she hugged my legs. I picked her up and kissed her cheek.

"Again, I'm so sorry. I'll make sure to talk to her about it." I told Anne, who nodded and we said our good bye. Soon we were back on the road, driving home. The kindergarten is only a few minutes away from our house, I'm glad.

"Emma, hold on." I said as soon as she was about to run to the toys when I let her down. I kicked the door shut and picked her up again. She was confused, but didn't say anything. Not like I'd understand it anyways.

"Anne told me you have been a naughty girl today." I said as I sat her down on my lap. She furrowed her eyebrows.
"Naughty?" She placed a finger between her lips.

"Yes, you said a bad word. Emma, what is a bad word?" I asked her and she gulped.
"Fuck." She said and I cringed. Damn Elijah!
"Exactly. And we don't say bad words, do we?" I asked her and she quickly shook her head.

"Good, baby. Don't ever say that word again. It is not nice." I said and she nodded her head in a cute way. I kissed her forehead and let her down.
"Go play. Mommy is going to make dinner." I said and she smiled again as she ran towards her toys.

I'm exhausted and angry at Elijah. When I walked into the kitchen, I pulled out my phone and dialed him. Emma hardly ever talks and if, I want her to make proper sentences, not this. I'm sure she picked that up from him, because he is the one who keeps swearing around her.

"Hello?" He asked and I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself.
"Nora? Are you okay? Did something happen to Emma?" He sounded concerned now. His voice was even smoother over the phone, but I ignored it.

"No, but I swear to God Elijah, something is going to happen to you!" I said. Okay, I wasn't doing a great job in calming myself.
"What?" He sounded confused.

"I picked Emma up from kindergarten and guess what Anne, her teacher told me?" I asked.
"What?" He asked.
"She was saying the word 'fuck' for no reason. She kept saying it and I have an idea where she got it from." I said angrily and it was quiet for a second.

"She said fuck?" I hope I heard him wrong, because his voice sounded amused.
"Yes, she said the f word." I said and he let out a chuckle.
"Guess it's official, she's my daughter." He joked and I glared at the wall.

"Do you find that funny? The other parents will think I taught her that." I snapped.
"Who cares? Besides, she's a kid. They'll understand." He said calmly.
"I can't believe you." I scoffed.

"I'm coming over." He said and my eyes widen.
"No, you're not." I said. Where did that come from?
"You said it was my fault. I'll tell her it's not okay." He said and I shook my head.

"No, I already told her. You just stop swearing around her." I said and he groaned.
"I'll try. But I'm coming over anyways, I want to see her." He said and I heard shuffling.
"No, Elijah. We said weekends." I argued, looking at the clock. I need to start cooking now. My parents are coming over in an hour.

"It's Friday, so it's weekend." He said and before I could answer, he hung up. I looked at my phone in disbelieve. Rude! I tried calling him again, but he ignored me. I groaned and put my phone on the kitchen counter.

"Mommy, hungry." Emma ran into the kitchen and I realized I still haven't cooked.
"I know, Emma. Food will be ready soon. Go and play, I'll call you when it's ready." I said, but she shook her head.

"Hungry now." She said in a demanding tone and I did a double check. Since when does she talk to me like that? Elijah really is a bad influence, no doubt.
"Emma, I said the food isn't ready yet." I planned on making mac and cheese.

"Hungry!" She started crying and fell to the ground, kicking and screaming. Is she throwing a fit because of damn food? Since when? I groaned and got out the pans, ignoring my daughter. I put the macaroni and cheese in and as I was waiting for it to cook, I crouched down to meet my daughter's eyes.

"Emma, look at me." She didn't, she kept screaming. I felt a headache form and massaged my temples. Then I heard the doorbell ring and groaned, because I knew it was Elijah. I quickly ran to open the door. He stepped inside with no word and walked into the living room. Sure, come in.

"Where is she?" He asked and I ignored him, just walked back into the kitchen. I saw her almost touching the hot pan and quickly rushed over to her.
"Don't touch that, damn it!" I lifted her up, away from the stove. Gosh, how could I be so careless?

"Did you really let her be around a hot stove on her own? Are you insane?" I heard him yell and seconds later he took Emma out of my hands. I glared at him and he glared back, before walking away with her while soothing her.

I kept stirring the mac and cheese and five minutes later I put it on a plate. I'm so embarrassed and exhausted. How could I let her be on her own around the stove? I never did that before. I placed the bowl of mac and cheese on the dining table and walked back in the living room.

"Dinner is ready." I said when I stepped into the room. Emma was far from crying as she listened to her father. I don't know what he told her, but it must've been interesting. Emma looked at me and Elijah let her down. I picked her up and put her in the baby stool.

"Do you usually let her be around the fucking stove?" I heard him ask behind me as I was busy pouring some milk in her cup. I glared at him and took a hold of his elbow, dragging him away from Emma.

"Stop swearing in front of her! How often do I have to tell you?!" I yelled at him and he rolled his eyes.
"You care about her learning a bad word, but don't care when she almost burns herself? What kind of mother are you?" He asked me and I scoffed.

"I am a good mother. If you wouldn't have rang the doorbell, she wouldn't have been alone." I argued and he snorted.
"What if it was somebody else ringing?" He asked and I was silent. Why didn't I pick her up and took her with me as always? Because she was throwing a fit. She never does that.

"You're a bad influence in her. I don't want you around her as much. Whenever you're around she seems to be not herself." I said and he narrowed his eyes.
"Seems to me like you can't handle your daughter." He said and it happened so fast.

My hand shot up, slapping him across the face. I quickly covered my mouth and looked at him with wide eyes. Oh my God.

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