Chapter 8 ~The Plan~

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"Now it's time to kill that son of a bitch."

Everyone nodded agreeing with Joseph that it's time to come up with a plan. Everyone except Becca. She thought they could do something else besides killing the creature. But no one questioned her when she didn't nod knowing everyone else agreed with him.

Joseph walked around till he took out a map and laid it on the desk so everyone could see. "We know it's using the vents to move around and the main air docks are here," He pointed at four places on the map and continued, "If we can close each one we can trap it and kill it on the spot." "But who's going to go?" Everyone looked at each other till Becca walked up still with red eyes, "I'll go."

Joseph shook his head and said, "It's to dangerous," "I don't care, since no one else is willing to go, I will." He sighed, "Fine, go get ready, meet me at the ladder in an hour." She nodded and walked off leaving everyone else to find out what they are supposed to do.

She walked toward her bunker and grabbed some clothes and changed. She then grabbed a flashlight and some batteries. Then she grabbed a shotgun with extra ammo and a knife if she had to cut something. When it was time to go she took a deep breath and walked off toward Joseph. When she arrived it was only Joseph guessing everyone else was gone to do their jobs. "You can do it Becca, here," He gave her a walkie talkie and she turned it on putting it in her shirt pocket. "If something goes wrong, just contact us." She nodded and he opened the ladder.

Becca looked down seeing darkness and she hesitated thinking she shouldn't had accepted this. That is till she felt a hand on her shoulder. "You can do it, remember we're counting on you." She sighed and said, "But what if I can't do it, what if more people die because I can't do it." "I know you can do it, I wouldn't want you to come along if I didn't know you could handle it, and if more people die, it's because of that thing." She nodded and he patted her back and she took a step on the ladder soon climbing down into the depths of darkness as the opening to the ladder closed leaving her alone in the darkness. But she wasn't alone.

A Xenomorph's Mate [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now