Chapter 23 ~The Battle~

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           Becca and Singh ran toward the men as she quickly took out her gun. Singh pounced on one of them as Becca shot another one in the head. She quickly looked over at Singh and saw him stabbing the man with his tail. She was cut off when she suddenly felt pain in her shoulder. She cried out in pain and Singh quickly turned around and ran toward the man but before the man could defend himself, Singh cut his head off.

         When all of them were dead, Becca looked at Singh after he bit into one of the men's heads. "Really." He shrugged his shoulders and walked toward her. He sniffed her shoulder and hissed. She looked over and saw blood through the shirt and jacket. "I'm okay, it's nothing." He shook his head but didn't have enough time to do anything before Becca started to walk off after picking up a gun that one of the men had. "Come on." Singh hissed again knowing she is really stubborn but followed her.

          Becca walked down a few halls till she saw the ladder. She looked up seeing it was open, "Roger and everyone else is up there," she looked over at Singh who nodded and started to climb up. "Hold your horses," she grabbed his tail and he stopped and looked down at her. "If we just jump up out of here, they will know we are up here." Singh hissed and started to climb up again only being stopped by her holding his tail. "But, if we go up there quietly and slowly, we can catch them off guard." Singh looked down and Becca gave him a "you better listen to me" look. He hissed but agreed and climbed back down to her level.

         "I'll go first and if the coast is clear, you can come up." She quietly climbed up the ladder but stopped as she slowly peeked over not seeing anyone. She quietly climbed out and looked around. When she saw it was okay she looked down and whispered, "You can come out." She backed away some to give Singh enough room to climb out. He looked around sniffing the air. He walked around a bit but she knew he never been up here so he didn't really know how many rooms are here.

           He hissed looking at a hallway and she nodded and slowly walked through the hall as Singh climbed up to the ceiling. When Becca walked into the lounge she slowly walked in not seeing anyone. But when she calmed she felt a gun on her head. She already knew who it was and she turned around seeing Roger pointing a gun at her with a couple of men behind him. "Long time no see Roger." Singh was about to pounce at him till Roger said without moving his gaze away, "You better keep your friend from doing anything he shouldn't do."

           Becca glanced up seeing Singh above her but he slowly climbed down standing behind her. "Why should I stop him?" She looked back at Roger and heard the gun click and he pointed it closer to her. "Cause if he moves, I'll shoot." She chuckled and was about to move till she heard yelling and screaming behind her. She quickly turned around seeing the ones that weren't behind Roger being attacked by Singh.

           But it was quickly over when the men laid on the floor dead and she looked at Singh who had blood speared on his face. "You see." Roger said and Becca looked back at him. "He kills people, without hesitating. And yet, you still protect him even when he killed your friends." She looked at Singh who looked at her, "You aren't my friends." "But Kat was, and he killed her." She looked down slightly remembering the image of Kat's body hanging from a vent. She gulped and looked at him but he didn't have a gun to her face anymore. "Becca, it's time to choose, is it him or us?" 

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