Chapter Three

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Sam's P.O.V

"I don't understand" Jenna started. "If you guys hated each other so much how did you end up dating?"

"There's a fine line between love and hate" I shrug. "He drove me up the walls so bad that it turned out I was actually madly in love with him..."

Jenna looks stunned. I ignore that look and continue on with the story.

It was six months after Matt transferred when I attended another party, without permission from my parents who were at some restaurant with their stuck up friends gallivanting around town.

Its funny how parents don't give a damn about you, yet they really like dictating every single decision you make. With my parents, it was more power they wanted I suppose. Their concern never came from love.

Anyway, most of the party was a blur — since I started drinking as soon as I arrived.

In fact, I was so drunk that I don't even remember how I got home that night, all I remember was arguing with Noah and Matt — I don't remember what we were arguing about.

"Didn't you think to ask someone the next morning?" Jenna asks.

I sigh.

"Believe me I asked that morning and the morning after that and the morning after that" I admit.

"And what did they say?" She widens her eyes with curiosity.

They just never gave me a truthful response.

"They said it was a normal party" I start "I drank and hung around Anna and Noah all night than they took me home..."

She pauses for a moment.

"...But you don't believe them?" She assumes.

"I remember arguing with them on that night...but they kept saying that I was imagining it...I know I wasn't" I realize that my voice has raised. I sigh "...Anyway it was a few weeks later..."

It was at Anna's 17th birthday party when I saw Matt with his stupid friends, acting all smug about something, it was obvious that they were drunk and acting like assholes.

I was so angry at Anna, she told me that they weren't invited, it was obvious she invited them so more people would come to her party, or maybe she wasn't lying when she told me that they were friends.

"Anna you told me that you weren't inviting Matt and his friends!" I cried.

"I changed my mind" Anna argued, "please Sam, give them a chance, I promise that they're not that bad" Anna attempted to convince.

I hesitated.

"Fine" I faked a smile before walking over to Matt and Anna's boyfriend (my cousin, Noah).

"Hey, Sam" Noah greeted sweetly.

To this day I can't understand why Noah was friends with them. He was influenced to never go to class and to smoke pot instead of studying which resulted in him dropping out of college a few years later. I believe thats why he's never had a long-term job or relationship.

It's too bad, I always thought he had so much potential as did the rest of our family.

"Hi, Noah" I responded. My gaze wandered beside him to where Matt was standing, wearing his white tank top and dark jeans. "Matt"

"You havin' a good time?" Matt asked.

"I guess so" I responded passive aggressively.

"I'll go find Anna" Noah stuttered nervously as walking away.

Noah never stutters.

My furrowed my brows together suspiciously, looking Matt directly in the eye.

"What's up with him?" I asked.

"You know its just Noah....Being Noah" he averted his gaze away from me for a moment before meeting my gaze. "So how're your sisters?"

My eyes widened immediately. How does he even know that I have sisters?

"Excuse me" I folded my arms.

Matt cleared his throat. "...Do they work out? Say, what gym do they go to?"

I blinked in confusion.

Is he serious? I thought.

"Excuse me" I repeated.

"I mean you look good too! You and your sister's look really good, all three of you are really hot, I mean really really hot! How do you feel about threesomes?"

"Between me and my sisters?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

His eyes widened. "Well if you're into that?" He put his hands behind his back.

"You are sick!" I cried as storming off.

Matt was being Matt.

Creepy, gross, dirty minded, asshole, Matt.

Suddenly, I felt someone touch my shoulder gently. I looked and it was Anna standing beside Noah.

"Sam, what's wrong?" She asked.

"I'm sorry, Anna, I've got to go" I shook my head and continued to walk quickly through the crowded restaurant.

"Sam, wait!" He yelled as following me outside to the restaurant's parking lot.

"What! What do you want? You want me to grab my sisters so you can watch us—" I started.

"Look that was stupid! That was really stupid of me to say that, I just really like you and when I like someone I tend to say stupid things that often make me look like a jerk" Matt admitted.

"Hey, you don't gotta tell me" I snapped, "I've experienced it all first hand!"

"Will you let me finish please" he yelled "I really like you! Okay, and what I was trying to say when I was talking to you inside—"

"When you were telling me how hot my sisters are or when you were talking about threesomes?" I folded my arms as the cool breeze brushed my skin.

"Will you stop acting like a bitch for one second and let me finish! I am trying to ask you out here and you are making it very difficult!" He threw his arms in the air.

My blood boiled.

"I'm the bitch? You are an asshole!" I yelled.

"You know what forget it!" He cried as storming away from me.

I then heard what he said, half a second prior about asking me out. My mind didn't register it when he said it.

I wasn't allowed to date.

My father would demand Matt's head on a silver platter like what happened to John the Baptist.

"You are exaggerating, right?" Jenna interrupted.

"My father was a very strict man who had a short temper" I state. "He was a Mormon pastor at the local church...I wasn't allowed to do anything that normal teens my age were allowed to do" I explain.

"And why not?" She folds her arms.

"They thought since they conceived me that meant they had a say over everything I did until they die" my voice raises.

Jenna nods slowly, signalling me to go on with the story .

"Okay!" I cried as Matt turned around, now facing me.

"Okay, what?" He grinned slowly as his blue eyes looked as if they were looking into my soul, about to reveal my darkest most private secrets.

"Okay, I'll go out with you" I agreed as rolling my eyes, knowing that he was now satisfied.

Now I just have to blackmail Noah into not saying anything to the rest of my family.

I don't know why I said yes, to be honest.

Perhaps it was to get back at my parents — Whatever it was, it took a hold of me.

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