Chapter Thirteen

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Sam's P.O.V

It was July when I graduated from high school. My picture-perfect family showed up to the ceremony and all my teachers spoke to them about my college acceptance letters and brilliant SAT scores.

However, the only thing I could think about was how I was finally free of school and my family, but there was something stopping me from vanishing - Matt. If I were to leave without any warning what would he think of me? I loved him, so much that I couldn't let him go.

It was the day after graduation when Matt and I thought we would have our own celebration.

"Where are you taking me?" I laughed.

"You'll see," Matt told me as he covered both my eyes with his warm hands, walking me straight ahead.

"Wow" I cried as looking around.
We were standing on a short low wooden jetty. "It's beautiful"

"And the best part is" Mat started as wrapping his hand around my waist "there is no one else around"

"So we've got this place all to ourselves," I said as kissing his lips than taking off my shirt and pants than canon balling into the river around me as the moon sat perfectly still working in the sky. "Are you coming?"

"Yeah" he nodded, stripping down to his navy blue boxers before jumping into the water. "I love you" Matt admitted then kissed my lips passionately. When he pulled away, he was grinning and said: "will you marry me?"

I was going to run away in a few weeks, leave this place and cut and off everyone here but I loved him. I'm not sure why I said it but I did...

"Yes," I agreed.

It was that night when I decided to stay. It was because of Matt's proposal why I changed my mind. That's when I knew that he was the keeper to my heart and I was giving up the key to my freedom to be with him.

It was weeks after graduation when I was out with the gang from school, we all went to an ice cream parlour so we could hang out altogether before we all had to leave for college.

Everyone was there, Noah, Ashley, Tori, Brody, Chace, Anna, Johnathan and Angie. All that was missing was Demi and Matt.

"Where's Demi?" Ashley asked Chace.

"Properly sound a sleep," he told us "me, demi and Chace went out last night"

I furrowed my brows. "Really?"

That was the first I heard of it.

"Yeah I left early though, cause I had to work this morning...even by then it was already really late," Chace told us all.

"So they would both be sleeping in?" Johnathan asked suspiciously.

"I think so" Chace licked his icecream.

"Okay, well I'll go to his house to give him some ice cream" I stood up, "see ya guys"

"Bye Sam" they all waved me goodbye as I left the parlour.

"And that was the last time we saw Sam until now" Brody looks to Jenna. "So tells us, where the fuck have you been for ten years?"

"Matt said you died of aids" Angie shrugs. "We knew he was just saying that..."

"Yeah, we knew it was too good to be true" Brody snaps.

My eyes welled up with tears that I refused to let them see.

"Shut up Brody!" Tori orders.

"Go on, Sam," Jenna says.

When I got to Matt's how I found Evie sitting at the bench in the front porch.

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