Chapter Twenty-Two

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Matt's P.O.V

"Matt" Daniel facepalms in disappointment.

"What" I roll my eyes.

"You know this whole thing could have been prevented if you just stopped falling asleep after sex!"

"The last time was not my fault...It was early in the morning" I defend myself.

"Excuses excuses" he shakes his head, "you could be with her right now"

I sigh at the thought. Do I really want that? Maybe I did back then but I don't think I do anymore.

"But then I wouldn't have this exciting story to tell you," I pick up my glass of red and take a long sip, "besides who would want to be with that slut?"

"Hey, I thought you loved her?" Daniel cocks a brow.

"Exactly, I loved her,"

"So you're saying that you don't anymore?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying," I take another sip from my glass.

"What a load of crap!" He cries, "you still have the hots for her"

"No, I don't," I assure, directing my gaze at the bottle of wine in front of me.

"Denial denial" he laughs, "you've spend this entire night taking about her"

I snap my head in his direction. "Because you told me-"

"Again with the excuses"

"Do you wanna hear the end of this or what?" I roll my eyes. "It was a few months after me and Sam slept together-"

"And you fell asleep" Daniel interrupts.

It was a few months after me and Sam slept together when I heard from Noah that Sam's parents died in a car accident. At first, I thought it was some kind of a joke but then later that day, I heard the reporter from Channel 3 announce it for the first time to the world. Noah gave me the details for the funeral, which I was planning on attending. I had never met Sam's parents but I figured that Sam may attend. I knew it was a long shot, seeing as she hadn't spoken to anyone in town for two years by that point, but I thought it was worth a shot.

It was a few hours prior to the funeral when I was sitting on the hotel's roof ledge, wearing a black suit and with a cold beer in my hand.

"Why do you insist on chasing her?" a voice asked from behind me.

"I'm not chasing her mum" I denied with no emotion in my voice. 

"Than what are you doing? Playing football?" My mum retorted as taking a seat beside me in her grey pencil skirt and white blouse. 

By that point in my life, I was numb. I finally had everything I could have ever asked for - my mother was safe and healthy again, I had restored her father's hotel and was now running the place but I didn't have Sam. Why did I even still want her? She left me twice, taking my money and my car with her. 

"I just need answers," I admitted, looking at the beautiful view in front of me.

"And you think sleeping around combined with heavy drunk is the way you're going to get them?" She folded her arms.

"Why are criticising me?"

"I am not criticising you," my mum placed her warm hand against my cold cheek, "take a look at yourself, you've got that same god damn look in your eyes that I had right before I hit rock bottom and it's scaring me"

"Mum I'm doing what I need to do" I clenched my jaw, looking down at my legs that dangled off the edge of the building.

"What leaving women in the middle of the night like Sam left you?" She retorted fast.

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