Chapter Seventeen

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Sam's P.O.V

Heath and I quickly became friends with benefits. He made me a star at Bare Essentials in exchange for loyalty and respect. He paid me well and treated me like more than just one of his dancers. I remember our first fight, we were coming back from a function when he brought up my past. He was straight to point, no bullshit kinda guy - that's what I liked most about him, I think. Everyone else that I knew always had an ulterior motive that I wouldn't be aware of until it was too late but not Heath, he was never afraid to ask me anything. Even if he knew it would hurt me.

"Your Range Rover, who did you take it from?" Heath asked while we got out of the gab.

I snapped my head in his direction quickly.


"What did the guy do that made you steal his car and skip town? What you thought that I didn't know that you're a god damn runaway" Heath cocked a brow.

"How do you know?" we stood in the street, my body filled with anger.

"I know everything about all my girls," he said simply, his hands sitting in the pockets of his jackets.

Heath then went on to tell my story - the abridged version. He skipped all the crap about my parents and went straight to Matt and how I ended up with his Range Rover. It didn't want anyone knowing anything about me but somehow he managed to get the full story - from who? I don't know. He also knew about that man that attacked me in the street months prior.

"What do you have spies out following me or something?" I screamed.

"What am I, a stalker?" He rolled his eyes, "I've got better things to do than follow you around, Kitti Kat"

"Than how do you know so much?" I screamed.

I pushed and pushed, spitting in his face and slamming my palms against his chest, over and over - begging for some kind of reaction. I needed a reaction. His eyes were too calm, too patient, too respectful.

"He told me!" He blurted out.

"Who told you?" my eyes were wide and fearful.

Did someone know where I was? Were my parents coming for me? That was my worst fear, that I would be captured and shoved back into my cage.

"One of your friend's back home spoke to me when you first started" Heath explained quickly, looking me in the eye.

"What did he say?" I asked quickly, my heart beating quickly from the chambers of my chest.

His eyes became cold and dull.

"He just said look out of Sam"

That was the first time Heath said my real name. He and the girls at the club always called me by my stage name.

"Who was it?" I cried. "How do you know him?"

"His brother was a regular at the club" Heath shrugged. I used to buy him a free lap dance when he was having a bad day"

My mind raced. Who could this guy be? How do I know him? I didn't think that there was anyone left who still cared about me.

"Why would you do that? Were you guys friends?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter!" His voice grew louder and firey.

"it does to me!"

"His wife ran off with some Military guy, okay? The man was depressed"

"Get outta here, Heath!" I shook my head violently, storming away from him.

My head was spinning, so I did something impulsive - I jumped on my motorbike and went to a bar, where I had god knows how much to drink.

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