Chapter Sixteen

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Matt's P.O.V

It was when I woke up, I realized that Sam was gone. At first, I assumed that she went home but I was wrong. When I walked out of my bedroom, my mum was standing in the kitchen nervously biting at her fingernails.

"What is it?" I asked.

"She's gone," Mum told me.

I didn't realize what she meant at first, so I ran outside and realized that my car was missing. I slowly reentered the kitchen where my mum explained. She told me, that she watched as Sam ran out of the house, jumped into my car and took off.

"I knew she was lying when she said that she forgave me! Why did I believe her?" I rubbed my hands against my face.

"Because you wanted it to be true," my mum told me with sad eyes, "Sam wasn't...right"

"And you didn't tell me?" I cocked a brow.

"I thought that you were happy!" She raised her voice.

"I was happy...but I would have never expected this" I sighed, "what do you mean by not right?"

"Well, you two were together for over a year" mum pointed out.

"So?" I folded my brows.

"So you never met her parents?" She questioned, "and she rarely spoke about them"

"I did the same thing but that doesn't mean...." I then trailed off, "she told me that her parents were strict and that she wanted to escape... She said that she felt like a caged bird" my jaw clenched at the thought.

"And sometimes caged birds have to be sent free" she sighed, "Sam was guarded...hell even I saw that and I only meet her a few times"

"What do you mean by guarded?" I furrowed my brows. "We were together for over a year! She could have trusted me!"

"Did you trust her?" Mum raised her brows, "Cause she looked pretty shocked when she first saw me"

I licked my lips. "So you're saying that she didn't trust me because I didn't trust her?"

"I'm saying that maybe if you let her in..she would have done the same" my mum took a seat at the kitchen table.

"She took my car and the thirty grand stashed in the glove compartment" I explain.

Mum sighed. "You can always make more money but it's damn hard to find more people to love"

"You know..." I started slowly taking a seat across from my mum at the kitchen table, "Phillip never married"

"Why are you bringing him up? We're talking about you" she reminded me.

"We're talking about love, loved Mr Clifford" I shrugged.

She rolled her eyes. "I love Michael now"

"Michael is a Dick and the only reason why you are still with him is because you're scared of being alone" I shook my head, "Now tell me what happened with Phillip?"

"Our relationship was forbidden!" She shakes her head.

Mum was an English major and was always theatrical and dramatic whenever the chance arose.

"No, it wasn't..." I rolled my eyes, "why did you sleep with dad if you were with Phillip?"

There was a moment of silence as she dropped her head.

"I don't know" she answered "I don't know why I cheated on Phillip...I don't know why I picked your dad over Phillip..."

"As in you don't remember or you regret it?" I asked.

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