Chapter Twelve

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Matt's P.O.V

It was February, I had four months until I graduated from high school, which meant that I only had four months to earn as much money as possible so I could renovate my grandfather's building and turn it back into a hotel.

It was a Friday night when I was playing poker in some casino in Chicago. I used my fake I.D to get in. I won 12 grand that night, all on a bluff. I could always tell when someone was lying, that's what made me so good a poker.

Playing poker was my only source of income. It paid the bills and got me my Range Rover. Sam had no idea.

When I got back home at three am, mum was still up watching Pretty in Pink.

"How come I didn't know we had this?" She asked me from the sofa.

"You bought it when you were fifteen, ma" I reminded her while removing my black leather jacket and hanging it up on the stand.

"And I never watched it?" She looked as if she was confused.

"The first time you watched Pretty in Pink you were fourteen, your mum wouldn't buy it for you so you saved up all your money and bought it on your fifteenth birthday," I tell her the story.

"And that's this tape?" Mum's eyes looked over to the VCR.

"Correct" I smiled, kissing her forehead.

"By the way, I'd like to meet your girlfriend" mum announced.

I walked around the sofa to stand in front of her.

"Why?" I furrowed my brows.

"Because you always talk about the famous Sarah-" she started.

"Sam" I corrected.

"The famous Sam but I never get to meet her" Mum finished.

I thought about it. Why hadn't I invited Sam over yet? I guess I was scared that Sam would take one look at my mum and run away. Deep down I knew that Sam wasn't like that.

"Okay, I'll think about it" I half-smiled.

Mum's face lit up.

"Oh good" She grinned, "now stay up and watch this movie with me"

"Is that an order?" I cocked a brow.

"Yes," she says, picking up a bowl full of popcorn "I have hot popcorn"

"Oh well, if you have popcorn" I smiled, taking a seat beside her.

It wasn't long later when I brought Sam to my home to meet my mum. We stood in front of the door for two minutes in silence.

What if we scare her away? What if she thinks that my family is dysfunctional? But than again her home life is probably worse than mine.

I knew that Sam's home life was messed up, I had reason to believe that her father was abusive and all Sam wanted was to escape.

"Now you'll be meeting my mum" I started.

I wanted to tell her that she's unwell and she's really young but I couldn't. Fear stopped me from saying all that I needed to.

When we eventually walked into the apartment, I introduced Sam to my mum.

"Sam this is my mum" I announced.

"Hi, I'm Evelyn...Evie's fine" Mum grinned, "I've heard a lot of good things about you"

"Will you pretty ladies please go and sit at the dinner table" I kindly asked, throwing the walking stick to Mum.

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