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I spent that weekend at Blair's to avoid Megan. I didn't know why her comment Friday afternoon bothered me so much, but it had. It's not like I cared if we were really friends anyway, right?

Maybe it wouldn't have been so weird if I didn't live with the woman. I mean we were on a first name basis! It was hard not to mess with her considering I didn't see her as a teacher. And I was sure Shawn was now fully aware of our situation, but he hadn't known that would become the case. This was obviously just the universe's special way of messing with me.

Come Monday morning I figured the buzz over Megan would've died, but I was wrong. It was still as prevalent as Friday and I was fed up.

Yes, she was attractive. Yes, she was young. And yes, she always seemed to smell nice and had the prettiest eyes I had ever seen in my life...

No. That's enough, I told myself. I would not become part of the "Megan craze" that seemed to be sweeping Baldwin like an epidemic. I would not think of Megan. I would not think of Megan. I would not-

A hard shoulder knocked against me in the hallway. I would've fallen to the ground if Blair wouldn't have been behind me. I turned to yell and came face to face with someone I honestly wished didn't exist at all.

"Watch where you're going," she teased. Her smug expression let me know she had done this on purpose. It was always on purpose.

"Piss off Shay," I stated, unsure why she was still trying to ruin my life.

Okay, so I had slept with her girlfriend that one time at a party. She just needed to get over it already. I hadn't known she was her girlfriend at the time, so who was really to blame here? Not me, that's who.

Shay grinned, showing me the crooked tooth that always bothered me. "Heard about your night with Brittany. You should probably get tested since you're so dead-set on sleeping with every girl that attends Baldwin."

Ah, and her insults still sucked.

I tilted my head. "Yeah, I'll do that and let you know if I'm positive. You know, since we've both slept with Chelsea."

Her smile instantly fell from her face as she debated if she really wanted to punch me in front of this many witnesses. Maybe bringing up her ex-girlfriend was a low blow, but she started this.

She turned away, indicating a victory for me.

I smirked as Blair chuckled. "Well, obviously someone still isn't over their ex."

"That girl is asking for it," I growled. "She's gonna catch me on a bad day and I'll have to knock her out. Mark my words."

"She's just jealous."

"Can't blame her. I'd be jealous of me too."

We made it closer to my final hour. After basically avoiding Megan for two days I found myself eager to see her.

Wait. No. I wasn't eager to see her. I wanted to run the other way. Yeah, that's right. I didn't like her. Not one bit.

"Oh she chose a skirt today," Blair claimed.

My gaze took her in. A skirt. She was wearing a skirt. And even though it was just slightly above her knee it was just enough to make me forget why I didn't like her in the first place.

And she looked so professional. Composed and confident like she had been doing this for years. She talked with the teacher across the hall. Her hands were animate. I was jealous of that teacher. I wanted Megan's attention but knew doing anything to get it would be a bad idea.

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlxGirl) NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now