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I refused to tell anyone about the note out of fear of causing paranoia. It was one thing to assume this man was here to stay and knew my secret, but it was only an assumption. If he had no proof all of his threats were empty and meant nothing.

And after that weekend he disappeared, like he had never been here at all.

I kept an eye out but to no avail never spotted him. It was almost an obsession, looking for him, but my search was left in confusion. How could he appear and disappear so easily? And how could he make me feel so crazy without doing anything?

And on top of it all, Megan could tell there was something up, but for some reason I couldn't tell her the truth.

Eventually it was Friday and the last full week of classes was coming to an end. Yet the atmosphere at school felt weirder than ever. It felt as if the floor was threatening to collapse, and my paranoia had peeked. I was convinced it couldn't get any worse, but it managed to do so by the end of the day.

It was when Blair and I were making our way towards Megan's class when we heard two girls gossiping in front of us.

"Guess what I heard today," one of them teased.


"Apparently there's a teacher-student affair going on."

Suddenly my heart stopped in my chest.

"No way," the other stated in disbelief. "Who?"

"No clue, but I bet it's that new teacher. Miss Adams. I mean come on, things were normal until she got here."

Blair pulled me aside while I rested against the wall for support. This couldn't be happening. Not so close to the end. How in the hell could this rumor already be infesting Baldwin High? I found it was hard to breathe.

"Sam what the hell?" she asked.

I shook my head in disbelief. "I don't know."

She looked around cautiously before continuing. "You need to talk to Megan, ASAP."

"I can't," I countered. "She'll freak out."

"Well you can't not tell her!"

I threw my hands up. "I don't even know what to say!"

Blair pulled me in between the lockers and checked for privacy. "Do you know who could've started this?"

Instantly the creep came to mind, but how could he start a rumor at my school? That was impossible, right?

"I-I don't know," I lied.

That's when the tardy bell rang, letting me know I was late for Megan's class.

Blair looked at me with worried eyes. "Just... lemme know if anything weird happens."

I just nodded before making my way to Megan's class in a daze. It wasn't until she opened the door to her room that I was pulled back into reality.

She stepped outside and shut the door behind her. "Mr. Vincent caught two of his students passing notes about a teacher-student affair rumor."

So she had heard.

"I've heard."

"Do you think it's coincidental?"

My heart was pounding so hard I was convinced she could hear. She could always tell when I lied.

I shook my head. "I don't know."

She crossed her arms. "Sam..."

"All we have to do is make it through finals week. Four more days and that's it," I reassured, but I could taste the worry on my tongue and she could tell I was nervous.

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlxGirl) NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now