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When I had come to I had been in an ambulance. At first I had freaked out because I hadn't known what was going on. We ended up at the hospital and Shawn was called. All I could think was that this could've been prevented. Shawn would blame himself. I would blame myself. God, leave it to me to ruin Thanksgiving.

Luckily there hadn't been major damage to me or my car. I got away with only a concussion and my car got away with a few dents and scratches that could be buffed out and painted over.

I was currently sitting in my hospital room while Shawn stood outside with the doctor, most likely about the treatment of my concussion. I hoped they would give me painkillers because this headache was killing me.

That's when Megan barged through the door. She looked so distraught. She was soaked from the downpour. Her hair was matted to her face and her clothes were dark.

How had she known? Had Shawn called her? I remembered getting the text from her in my car before I had wrecked. I had read it only a moment ago. It had said, Happy Thanksgiving.

When she saw me a look of relief flooded her expression. For a moment neither one of us spoke, until I decided to initiate.

"Happy Thanksgiving?"

She sighed, sitting on the edge of my hospital bed. Oh God, was she still ignoring me?

"Sam what the hell were you doing on the road?"

It felt nice to hear her voice after a long day of nothing but negativity. It made me feel warm, even if it was only for a moment.

"You don't wanna know," I answered. Honestly, I just didn't want to talk about it.

She studied me for a moment without words. I figured we were back to her ignoring me now that she knew I was okay. Thinking that made my heart ache even worse. I knew she could see that.

Then she turned towards me. "You went with Shawn didn't you?"

"Yeah," I replied, looking down at the ground. "I did."

"It was bad?"

I laughed. "Well it wasn't good."


"I don't want to talk about it."

She fell silent, and I knew I should be more than happy to spill, but she had ignored me for so long. She hadn't even told me she had found an apartment and that she was leaving. And I know we weren't on good terms and that I should be happy she was moving out. Yet, deep down I wasn't. As much as I wanted to hate her, I just couldn't.

"Shawn told me you were moving out," I stated.

She nodded. "I can start moving my stuff in December first."

"He thinks it's sudden."

"It's time."

"How will you pay your bills with everything else?"

She released a deep breath. "I'll figure it out."

I knew it was my fault she was moving. After what I had said to her that day in class I knew there was no taking it back. But I didn't want her to go if she couldn't afford it. I didn't want her to go because I still wanted her around. For some reason I knew it wouldn't be the same when she left.

"Then don't go," I said.

What a stupid thing to say, I thought, scolding myself.

"I've already signed the lease. And you know this needs to happen."

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlxGirl) NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now