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After the last dream incident and Shawn finding out the paranoia about the nightmares worsened, which then caused a domino effect on my life. Since I was afraid of him finding out I also became afraid to sleep. This caused me to stay up till my body eventually shut down for a few hours at night to get some rest. In response, I quickly became tired all the time. Physically fatigued even. Of course, after Megan's class I would go home and nap but a few hours wouldn't cut it. My body was craving something I absolutely couldn't give it.

So concentrating became even harder. Interacting with people made me want to crawl out of my skin. But doing this was the only way I knew how to beat the dreams.

And I kept motivating myself by thinking about Thanksgiving break, where I could sleep all day while Shawn was away at work. Yet I could feel my mind deteriorating, and I wasn't the only one to notice. Megan noticed, Blair noticed, and Emma sensed there was something wrong but didn't know what since I wouldn't tell her. Which of course led to her believing it was something she was doing and I honestly couldn't deal with that.

So the first two weeks of November hadn't been good. At all. That was until one weekend at Blair's, where I finally discovered another way to beat the dreams.

Blair struggled with the wine opener. "Jeez, why do they make these things so hard to use?"

I walked up to her and took the wine bottle from her. "Because, they make it child proof."

"That's not funny."

I popped the cork with an arrogant smile.

"I did most of the work," she claimed.

"Just shut up and drink," I demanded, pouring us two glasses and handing one over to her.

The wine was sweet, which made it easy to go down. It was almost like drinking fruit juice. It wasn't really my favorite, but when it was free alcohol the taste didn't really matter.

I curled up in her bed and zoned in on the TV, but apparently Blair wasn't satisfied with the silence.

"So how's you and Emma?"

"Good." Or so I thought we were. I wasn't really sure anymore.


"Yeah I mean... just the same ole' same ole'."

This didn't satisfy Blair, and if I was being completely honest, it didn't satisfy me either.

She shifted to look at me. "So really it's not all that great from what I'm gathering."

In my opinion it was normal. We hung out, kissed, went on dates, and I got lucky quite a bit too. It was nice. But there were times where I still felt uncomfortable. Like when she asked me why I wouldn't sleep over. Or why I didn't tell her when I was having a bad day. Deep down I knew it was the dream thing, and I didn't want to tell her.

And deep down, I already knew what we were missing.

"Do you think that it's impossible for certain people to fall in love?" I asked.

Her face contorted with confusion. Had my question been that off the wall?

She shifted to look at me. "No. It's only impossible if you tell yourself that."

I rolled my eyes. "What kind of bullshit answer is that?"

"It's true."

I just sipped down the wine in response.

"It may also be impossible with the wrong person."

Great. So it was either Emma or me. Good luck finding out which one.

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlxGirl) NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now