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"Sam get up."

I felt two hands shoving me awake. My body didn't want to respond but Blair wouldn't be trying to get me up if it weren't an emergency.

"Come on," she pleaded. "There's not a lot of time!"

My bloodshot eyes opened and met hers.

Last night I had told Blair everything, and had cried the entire time. She hadn't said much but had been there for me regardless. What I didn't know was why she was waking me up so abruptly.

"What?" I asked, my voice groggy from sleep.

"You need to get up," she demanded.


"Because..." She pulled me up. "Megan's flight leaves in two hours and you need to be there to stop her from getting on that plane."

She bustled around her room and gathered last night's outfit for me, shoving it into my chest.

"Do you remember who lives in California?" she asked.

I sighed while pulling on my clothes. "No?"

"Nikki, Sam. Nikki lives in California."

Suddenly everything clicked. Megan might've been going to visit her friend to stay on the beach for a few weeks, but it was very possible her and Nikki would meet up. Especially if Nikki found out Megan was in her state.

I pulled on my boots and ran to her bathroom to brush my teeth. My heart was racing because I knew Blair was right. I couldn't let Megan leave. And I sure as hell couldn't wait two entire weeks to possibly see her again.

Blair leaned in the doorway while I quickly freshened up. "Remember what you told me last night?"

Oh, I remembered. Clearly.

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Was it true?"

I looked at myself in the mirror as I wiped my face. I didn't even have to think about the question to find an answer. It was more than true. It had always been that way. I had loved Megan for a long time, but never knew what love felt like. But now that I was without her I knew exactly what it was. Funny how things worked out that way.

"It's true," I answered. "It's been true for a while."

"Well I'm glad you've gotten your head out of your ass to finally realize it," she finished with a smirk.

I tilted my head and frowned. "Thanks, now move. I have a woman to catch."

Blair let me go without another word as I jumped into my car. I peeled out of her driveway and sped towards the airport. I didn't have long. I needed to catch her before she made it to security, because once she did she was as good as gone.

My engine hummed as I pressed the pedal harder. On a Sunday not many cops would be out and about, especially since it was still early. But in a moment like this the last thing I was worried about were cops.

It took me about twenty minutes to get to the airport. I darted through the parking lot and to the entrance where I was greeted with a lot more people and rolling luggage.

My panicked heart was in overdrive as I dodged around the crowd of people bustling through the lobby. I didn't even bother heading to the help desk and went straight to the check-in.

But I didn't see her there, and the anxiety of missing her was overwhelming.

Okay, think Sam. Megan had most likely gotten here two hours before her flight left. Check-in didn't look too busy. I was about forty minutes behind her...

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlxGirl) NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now