Chapter 6

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Okay sorry this took a while to write I had writer's block, and my wifi was not working correctly...This is definitely not one of my best chapters... And we are almost at 300 reads! Can we get there? I hope! Anyway, hope you enjoy!

| Layla |

Morgan's heated gaze remained on me. The other wolves that had surrounded me were now coming closer, closing in. I tried to back away, but they were behind me, as well. My breathing was heavy, and my eyes were wide with panic.

David stared at me, looking puzzled. His parents' eyes were wide, and the other members looked at me with astonishment. It looked as if no one knew what a Pure-Shifter was, except for Morgan, and Luke.

"What is that?" Anna growled, wanting an answer that she wouldn't wait for. Although Anna and Brayden were David's parents, I disliked them. They may change, but at the moment, they were hostile and were focused on excluding me.

"Why don't you explain it, Layla? But not now - we will go back to the house, where everyone is gathered. And, in case you were wondering, I am Morgan- the prophecy-teller, I guess. I receive dreams and signs from the ancient werewolves, telling of any danger, new life, or something like...this." Morgan smiled, and motioned to me to get David alone.

But David was already prepared. "Dad-bring everyone to the pack-house. We will be there in a second."

Everyone started to head back the way they had come.

"Morgan, Luke, stay here. And Leo, you as well." David told them sternly, and I saw Morgan's eye roll.

I like this one. Keep her.

"Care to explain, Layla? Or Morgan?" David glared at me, and I shrugged. He was acting like an ass; just moments ago, he had been so happy, and now he was angry and disappointed with me. He waved his hand at me, and I told him the story I had told Luke. He seemed to understand everything.

"I am the last Pure-Shifter alive." I finished, tears welling in my eyes. I would probably have to explain this story for the third time, later, in front of the entire pack. Anxiety made me hold in a breath, and when I looked at my fingers, they were slightly shaking.

David nodded, and Morgan stepped beside me.

"I am also her protecter, assigned when I was born, then by a shifter who had witnessed my birth. They passed on their prophecy telling skills to me. Knowing that there would be a war that no one could stop, the shifter passed on his powers to me, and made me protecter of the last Pure-Shifter." Morgan stood by my side. She was about as tall as me, but taller.

She looked my age to.

"You knew that I was the last one? Why am I the last Pure-Shifter?" I asked, confused.

"Yes, I knew. But why, I don't know. I have seen that you are meant to do something when it is your time, but I do not know what that is." She looked at me, smiling, her teeth glistening in the cracked sunshine.

"And you told Luke before you told your mate?" David said angrily, and I shrugged.

"I had to say something! He saw me shift, and I had to tell him..." I trailed off.

David gave me a death glare. Luke and Morgan stood by each others side, not saying anything. And Leo walked over from his spot, to stand next to me.

"Look, David, she had to tell him, or he would've told you, and you wouldn't have seen it for yourself." Leo instantly regretted what he said, and it was now my turn to give him the death glare.

"Oh, yeah! Thanks for reminding me, Leo. Layla, what can you do? I've only seen your wolf." David stared at me intently, and I knew that I had to show at some point...just, why did it have to be now?

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