Chapter 11

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I'm back! Sorry I haven't posted. I was/am sick. But all that matters is that I'm writing again! Enjoy!



The shock that went through me was everlasting. There was silver in her- but that wasn't even the worst part. The worst part was that nobody knew what was wrong with her.

"What do you mean? You must know what's wrong with her." I prodded, getting angry with her, myself- and just everything in general. She shook her head, and I rubbed my forehead.

"She will wake up, probably soon. We are going to get her on fluids. But, there is some kind of poison, as my guess, still in her bloodstream, that we can't get out." The nurse looked at me, sadness in her gaze.

I looked down at my feet, anger growing inside of me. What could have cause this? Why was Layla all of a sudden poisoned? The rogues couldn't have done this.

"Can you get the silver out, at least? Maybe that's what's wrong with her." I reasoned with her, but again, she shook her head 'no'.

"By the looks of it, Layla can control the silver intake in her- she can get it out, and it doesn't harm her. But their is something else that it poisoning her-almost as if a darkness has taken over." The nurse raised an eyebrow, and looked at me.

I rubbed my temples, beginning to pace around the room. Someone knocked on the door-it was Leo. I waved him inside, and he was followed by the kids, and Luke and Morgan.

"What's happening, if you don't mind me asking?" Leo asked as he entered the room, and I gave the nurse a look. She understood, and left the room without hesitation.

"She said there is some kind of poison in Layla's bloodstream- not silver, but something else they don't know of. She'll wake up soon, but the poison is still there." I replied, looking at the ground.

"Well, the kids told us their names," Morgan smiled, and stood behind the twin boy and girl, who looked back at me, smiling faintly.

"I'm Lilliana." The girl stated, blushing a little.

"And I'm Robert." The boy said, and he walked over to Layla. I was confused, but then remembered a little of what he said about were-horses.

"She'll wake up very soon. David, right? That's what they told me." Robert admitted, and looked back at Luke, Leo and Morgan. I nodded at Robert, and glanced back down at Layla.

Just as Robert had predicted, Layla began to stir. Her breathing was still a little shallow, but it wasn't as bad as it had been before, and Layla's eyes began to open slowly.

"I want cake." Layla said, causing the rest of us to laugh. At least she still had her humor. Nothing could take that away.

"We will get you some cake at home, Layla." I laughed, and gave a quick look to the others, and then spoke to them through the mind-link.

'Don't tell Layla about what the nurse said. I'll make up a story about why she's here.' I told them, and I could see all of their slight nods. Luke and Morgan repeated to the twins about what I had just said, too quiet for Layla to hear.

As if on cue, Layla turned to me and asked, "Why am I here?" Rubbing the back of her head, she glanced at me nervously.

"Oh. slipped or fell on something, and passed out. We brought you to the hospital." I lied, but Layla didn't seem to notice. For the first time, though, she realized that the others were in the room with her.

"Hi gu-" she stopped mid-sentence as she saw the two twins. She flashed me a puzzled look, and I returned it with a look that said, 'I'll explain later.'

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