Chapter 13

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I need to post more. Like honestly. I said I was going to try twice a week, and I'm still trying to make it happen, even though it hasn't. Key word, trying.

Lol. Anyway, I'm back. And I posted another 'story!'

Make sure you check out my other 'book'... I guess you could call it that. It's where I rant and give advice. And you can comment or private message me (I will put it in anon if you want to, and if/when you pm me) about any questions you have.

Make sure to check it out! Anyway, enjoy!


I peered into the woods, looking for any sort of movement that I could find. But there was absolutely nothing, apart from the slight swaying of branches, and insects flying back and fourth. Spring was here, after a long and harsh winter.

I sniffed the air, still in human form. I caught CJ's scent, leading me into the woods. She hadn't gotten very far, hopefully. But she had definitely shifted into her wolf-form- paw prints dotted the muddy earth where she had ran.

Shifting into my cheetah, I darted in between branches and trees, all while following CJ's fresh scent. She was still not in view, but the trail was leading me somewhere. Hopefully, when I found her, I wouldn't startle her too much.

Her path wasn't meant to throw anyone off; she must have not expected anyone to follow her. I was surprised that her sister didn't come with me. CJ had just disappeared into the woods, without alerting anyone. She had just joined! (Don't worry CJ and Hailey...I have something special planned for both of you... :) lol)

The trees that surrounded me were blurs and smudges as I dashed past them, following the fresh scent trail. The hunters could still be out there, waiting for me, or her. And this time, we might not be able to escape.

A flash of movement caught my eye, and I masked my scent quickly. I turned to face the movement, shifting into a rabbit. I scampered over to a small bramble bush, my fur blending in with the branches.

I looked up, staring at CJ's strawberry blonde hair. She was pacing back and fourth between two fallen logs, rubbing her temples, as if she was in pain. I watched her intently, wondering what was happening inside her mind.

'Read her mind!' Canis prodded, but I firmly said no. 'Why?' Canis asked, whimpering a little. We were both curious on what was happening in her brain, but...

'Canis, it's an invasion of privacy, and I only do it when I have to.' I almost snapped at her, but she took it lightly, fortunately. But she didn't stop there with her questioning- she just kept on going, and I was getting a little annoyed- until she stated a good point.

'But what if her and Hailey are plotting something? What if they are here to hurt Fortis? I mean David? I mean...the Pack?' Canis asked, fear in her voice, my eyes widened, and I began to focus on nothing but CJ.

I didn't reply to Canis. I closed my eyes, trying to get get into CJ's mind. It wasn't to difficult, but then again, it wasn't the easiest task either. Then, the thumping stopped, causing me to open my eyes, and stare at CJ.

She had stopped pacing, but was looking into the trees, unmoving, staring at- nothing, almost. Her gaze was blank, as if she was in another dimension, her body still here. Closing my eyes once more, I focused on getting into her mind.

I instantly regretted the decision. What I saw when I got there was enough to make even the strongest Dark-Shifter to cower in fear. But I was strong. I was fearless (divergent reference? Maybe a little...). I could handle this.

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