1. HIS Entry

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Mumbai Airport

Plane just landed.HE headed towards the entrance with an unknown feeling in his heart.
He is returning to the place almost after 2 years.He took a deep breath to feel the air and to experience the love in the air.A slight smile crept his lips when SHE came in front of his eyes when he closed them.
He headed out where a driver is already waiting for him.He took his seat and soon he was on the roads of Mumbai where he once had fun with his friends.Then came his college in front of his eyes.
"Stop" He immediately said to the driver with a sparkling eyes.
He got down the car and took his steps towards the college.
"Manik...Don't be a shy baby all the time.." echoed his best friend Cabir's words in his ears.He smiled seeing their hangout spot and walked towards it.
"See...Manik is coming...yaar he is too hot..." He remembered the whispers of some girls while he was walking and unknowingly he blushed.
"Manik...there u go...see ur princess is coming..." Imaginary Cabir said pointing towards Nandini.He knew he was imagining but still looked towards the side where he used to spot Nandini daily. There she came like an angel in white chudidhar,having the brightest smile on her face,with wavy silk long hair because of which he used to look without blinking his eyes.
His heart filled with happiness even by imagining her.It's his favorite memory after all.He took his steps towards her but then she vanished again.
He smiled and looked at the college once again.
"I miss u..."He said slowly.
He got back to his car and resumed his journey.
"I miss u my dear college...The place where I got true friendship...The place where I experienced the fragrance of LOVE..."He thought and stopped at the word LOVE.
"I wanna see u...just for once...I miss u Nandu.." He said seeing her photograph in his wallet.
The car suddenly stopped with a jerk and his wallet fell down.
"What the hell..!!" He shouted at the driver.
"I'm sorry sir...There is a crowd over there...we can't go...I'll check what happened..."He answered politely and Manik nodded.Driver got down the car and Manik lowered the window glass to have some fresh native air.And then suddenly his heart beat increased as he felt her presence some where around him.He touched his heart and looked around but of no use.He took a deep breath and the thought of having her around isn't leaving his head.
The driver came back and started the car to take another way.
"What happened..??" Manik asked unwantedly.
"Sir...some girl...she fainted on the road..."He answered and started the car.
"Stop..." Manik shouted and got down the car immediately.

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