5. HIS Guilt

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Hi guys...

Though I'm not interested and hell scared to post the part,I still believe that u will support me...Don't bash me later...


Next morning, Nandini opened her eyes and saw Manik sleeping at her feet keeping his hands on them,in the sitting position itself. Unknowingly, a smile and tears came on her face. She just caressed his hair slightly and he moved in his sleep. She kept staring at him for an hour so that he won't be disturbed. Then he opened his eyes and examined the surroundings. It took a minute for Manik to understand that he was sleeping in Nandini's room and immediately looked at her who was staring at him with some unreadable expression on her face. He then got up and said while stammering "Good...Good morning Nandini..."

"Good morning Manik" She said casually and got up from bed.

"I'll get fresh and come.." She said slowly looking at him who was bending his head unable to meet her eyes. He just nodded and went from there after scolding himself.

At breakfast,

Manik got relieved when she came casually to him with a little smile.

They both had breakfast and Manik gave her medicines.

Ma- Nandini...if u don't mind...

He stopped and hesitated.

Nan- I will never mind Manik...plz go ahead...

Ma- Where are ur parents...?? I mean...did they know about u..?? Have u talked to them..??

Nan- It's almost 6 months Manik since I've seen them...Even I talked to them rarely...

She replied slowly and Manik couldn't understand what she said.

Ma- Means..???

Nan- He never let me talk to them Manik...

Ma- Whattt...???

He said in shock.

Nan- Ha...One day..after that lawn incident,I tried to explain his character to my mother and so I called her...But then...he came back from office..and from then onwards ,while he was going to office,he used to lock me in that house without providing any contact to the outside world...

Manik gulped his saliva imagining her in that state.

Ma- But...how come ur parents...never come to ur house...???

Nan- They came Manik...But...That too was his plan...He cleared my father's debts and helped him in business and created a very good image in front of my parents...Even I tried to explain to my mother..But u know what she said..!!

"Beta...No girl can get such a husband who cares for her family equally...I know that this arranged marriage relations takes time to get to know each other...It may take time to understand him completely...Don't take any such step which effects him and our family too...U even have a sister who should get married...plz beta...just tolerate everything..."

Manik can't believe his ears listening her words. How come a mother ask her child to tolerate everything..!! 

Ma- Unbelievable...

He exclaimed. She sighed and looked at him.

Nan- Not only this Manik...I tolerated a lot from him...Slaps...punishments...I was no less than a servant over there...

Ma- Nandini...have..have u...ever tried to...run away..???

She looked at him and nodded.


Unable to bear the tortures, she came out of the house without watchman's notice and started running. Watchman then saw her going and called Aryaman.

He slapped him hard and sent his workers to catch her. She ran with her bare foot and stopped when she saw his car in front of her. He just got down the car and came towards her while she was sweating badly.

Arya- Nandu...is this the time for jogging..?? Come...let's go home...

He said casually and she nodded in no while shedding tears.

Nan- I'm sorry...

Arya- Come..let's go home na baby...

He said and made her sit in the car forcefully. When they reached home, she can't keep her feet on the ground as she ran bare foot.

Arya- what yaar Nandu...does anyone jog with bare foot...?? Come I'll take u inside...

Saying this he lifted her in his arms and entered the house which is not less than a prison for her.

He went to the kitchen and saw empty bowls which says that she hasn't cooked.

Arya- Not cooked...it's ok...I'll manage...

He thought and made an omlett for him and came out to see Nandini whose hands and legs are tied up with a rope and her mouth with a tie. She was struggling with her hands being afraid of what he'll do to her now.

Arya- Nandu darling...u got hurt na...see..I've got a medicine...

He said showing a hot iron rod in his hand and her eyes widened seeing it.

"I'm sorry...Aryaman plz...shorry..." She managed to plead in between the tie in her mouth.

He came close to her and said "No baby...it's a medicine...after this na..u won't even think of going away from me..." 

"Plzz plzz...shorry..." She pleaded but it went to deaf ears and that hot metal came in contact with her feet and she screamed like hell.

(Manik just closed his eyes unable to imagine that scenario)

Arya- Dard ho raha hai...?? Then why do u make me do all these baby...?? I'm scared of losing u...

He said and placed it again on her feet and the house echoed her cries.

Arya- waise baby...where u tried go...?? I mean where did u plan to go...?? Tumhare ghar...?? Or...tumhare aashiq ke ghar...???

He asked making her stare at him in shock.


Manik was shocked to the core listening her.

Ma- That means...he...knew...about...

Nan- us..

She completed and he can't take the guilt of her pain.

Till now, he never thought that he could be the reason for her suffering and now guilt and pain overcame him and he just left the place immediately not knowing what to do.

His mind stopped working and started blaming him.

He started his car and went off ignoring her calls.

No bashing plz....

Next update after getting 100+ votes and 30 comments...Kuch zyada toh nahi maang rahi hu na...

Now we are a family of 550...Can't I expect the least number also guys...??

Plz drop ur views....

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