Chapter 3.

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"We dont talk anymore
We dont talk anymore.
We dont talk anymore like we used to do

We dont laugh anymore
What was all of it for
We dont talk anymore like we used to do.

I just heard you've found the one you've been looking,
You've been looking for.
I wish i would have known that wasnt me,
Coz even after all this time I still wonder
Why i cant move on,
Just the way you did so easily."

You must be wondering what that was right?
Well, Najma was singing it on top of her lungs and on the loudest but the best voice ever.

The lyrics were not bad.
And on top of that, she was forcing me to listen to her since my other siblings didnt like music at all.

"So, how was it?" She brought me out of my thought.

"Mmh?" I asked perplexed.

"You were not listening to me,  were you?"
"You know what? Just go to hell! I hate you Mansoor!" She screamed.

Really? Just because i zoned out abit, she screams at me, and on top of that, am way older than her!

A nerve broke in my circulatory system and immediately, I raised my hand and it came into contact with her right cheek.

She held her cheek with her right hand and her eyes held unshed tears, before any second passed, tears started flowing from her brown orbs and she raised her eyes daring me to slap her again. I didnt slap her though but using my eyes dared her to look into my eyes. She immediately lowered her eyes and made her way to the door but before leaving the room, uttered the most terryfying words i hated to hear especically from her.

Guilt started creeping into my heart. Ya Allah, I shouldnt have slapped her. But she was also wrong! She needs to watch her tongue when talking to me, which she rarely does. Najma is an outspoken girl, she says whatever that comes into her mind. I dont mind her being talkative but sometimes she really needs to watch her tongue.

I heard a voice beside me, it was my phone ringing. The Caller ID was my sister, Sumaiya. The moment I recieved the phone, I heard a shriek.

"Mansoor, what did you do to Najma?"

"Why is she crying like crazy? She locked herself in the bathroom. Mansoor, you do know how sensitive Najma can be sometimes. Scratch that, its everytime. Did you beat her or something?" She asked.

"Huh? Mmmh...yah. I kinda slapped her..."

"Oh.. then she must have done something really bad b'coz you cant beat someone for no reason. I will try to reason with her. But if it doesnt work, you need to come down from your room and solve it. Ok?"

"Ok. Call me when its safe to come into your room."


She cut the phone before I could do it. I sighed. This is gonna get hard.

After sometime, I received a call from my friend. We chatted a bit and then Sumaiya called me while I was still talking to my friend.
"Hey bro, am receiving a very important call, can i call you later. Thanks." I told to my friend.

Immediately after cutting the call, I received that of my sis.
"You need to come down. I cant do it."


"Najma!" I knocked on the bathroom door.

No reply.


No reply.

"Ok, if you wont open the door then atleast listen to me."
I took her silence as an allowance for me to talk.

"Am sorry first of all, for the slap. But Najma, you really made me mad. I really love you, you are my favourite sis..." I stopped midway as i noticed Sumaiya shooting daggers at me. "Mansoor, this is the end of you!" I thought to myself.

"Why did you stop? Continue!" I heard a voice inside the bathroom. My lips twitched up in a smile.

"Yh...i really love you Najma. But you really made me mad!"

"Where is the 'am your favourite sister' dissapear?" She asked.

I laughed. Atleast she calmed down abit.

" are my favourite sister.." i said that abit too fast since Sumaiya was still shooting daggers at me.

"Hey....i said that to calmed her down!" I whispered to Sumaiya.
"Yah yah yah...continue!" She whispered back.
"Am really enjoying myself here seeing you apologise to Najma!" She said while laughing.

"Mansoor, why did you keep quiet? Can you continue?" Najma asked.

"Mmmh...yh. Ok. Sometimes Najma you seriously need to watch your tongue. You sometimes say things which provoke me but I keep quiet. These days you have become so sassy, Am sorry Najma but sometimes my patience slips...and i become mad. Am sorry, I will try next time not to raise my hand on you. Now can you come out please?" I asked.

No reply.

I sighed. I was about to go into my room and prepare a 'am sorry speech' to hand it to Najma when i heard the door opening.

Najma came out of the bathroom smiling like a maniac.
She came closer and hugged me so tightly when i heard a murmur, "Am sorry too."

I hugged her back tightly as ever. We were in our world when we heard Sumaiya saying,
"Akhh! Too much love in the air! Am suffocating!"

We shared a laugh when Sumaiya spoke up, "Najma, if this is how you behave when your brother just slapped you, I dont know what you will do to your husband!"

We shared a laugh while Najma was fuming with anger.


Assalam Alaikum.
Am sorry for the late chapter. Especially @Salmitta97 and @Fatubenz.

Enjoy this chap and vote and comment if possible.

Till next time, Have fun.

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