Chapter 5.

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"Assalam Alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatu."

"Waaleikum salam warahmatullah wabarakatuh" I got some lazy replies from the class.

"Hey hey, why the boring face?" I asked.

"We are tired, the games teacher made us run 20 laps on that huge field." One boy replied.

"Why would she do that?" I asked them.
"Well, apparently we got late in class as we had another punishment to do, and she doubled it." Another one replied.

"Am so sorry guys, so today no class?" I asked hoping they would say no as I had prepared myself for this topic for so long and if they say no class, I would feel broken.

"NO, we want this class. Its the only class that helps us run away from reality. So please, yes we are tired, but the moment you start speaking, our heart feels at peace."

I smiled. Alhamdullilah.

"Ok, so today we are gonna talk about Haram relationship." I could see all the tired students waking up and looking at me attentively. I smiled inwardly.

"First, we need to know, what is a  relationship? Its the friendly way in which two things are connected. The relationship that we all know exist are the relationship between siblings, son with his parents or daughters with her parents, relationship between you and your cousins, aunts, uncles or grandparents.
And then, we need to know the definition of Haram. Haram is anything that Allah forbids us to do or engage in, like drinking alcohol, listening to music and other haram things.

Therefore we can conclude that Haram relationship is any type of relations that Allah forbids us to have. And the most common haram relationship we see or encounter is boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.

This relationship is where two individuals agree to disobey Allah together to burn in the Hell fire together. Is that what you call love?
Islam didnt make love haram, falling in love is not haram, its what you do with that love which makes it haram or halal. Remember fellas, that the heart of the person you are trying to impress is in the hands of the one you are disobeying.

You know, haram love is like drinking salty water, no matter how much you drink, it will never quench your thirst. You love her? Then pray for her, pray to the one on who your life is in His hands for you two to be together. Because shaytaan is out there trying to confuse you on the good things that you are missing. His whispers trying to take you out of your path, his whispers to make us follow his footsteps because he doesnt want to enter hell-fire alone, he wants followers on whom on the day of Judgement will say,
" I had no authority over you, i only invited you and you responded. So dont blame me but blame yourselves."

Shaytaan whispers are real, its you to decide whether to follow him or follow what Allah said."

I finished my speech only to see my boys crying with their heads bowed down.

I gave them time to finish crying and wipe off their tears when one asked me a question which took me back.

"Mansoor, isn't there a girl whom you love?" He asked.

I smiled.

"Yes, there is one whom I love," I answered honestly, "But i try my level best to not talk to her privately.

"Don't you have her number?" Another one asked.

"I do, but I never try to text or call her."

"Wow Mansoor, I wish I were you. There is this girl that I love her madly, and we talk everyday. We actually went on a date last week. But after what you said, I promise am gonna stop. Am gonna break up with her." One stated honestly.

"Yah me too."
"Me too."
"Me too."
"Me too."

Everybody was saying that they are gonna break up with their girls. But this disturbed me.

"No no no! Breaking up is not and will never be a solution. If you all break up with them, its gonna break those girls and a girl's heart is very vulnerable. It will crush them. Its better you speak to them nicely and explain why you wanna part ways, make them understand that, this is all haram. Allah doesnt love this at all and if they understand, Wallah it will be for the best. Ok?" I made them understand.

I saw them nodding their head showing that they understood.

The bell rang, indicating that the day had ended.
Each one of them came hugging me, thanking me for showing some light on their darkness filled life. I felt good and that day ended well, Alhamdullilah.

While I was packing, my phone rang. When i checked, it was my father. I answered the call,
"Assalam Alaikum baba."
"Waaleikum salam habiby. Are you busy?"

"No, i was just wrapping up things. Why, you need something?" I asked while packing my bag.

"Yeah, you know Khalif right? My best friend?"
"Yah yah, I know him. What about him?"

"He has invited us to lunch at his house. So come home now, we are all waiting for you."

"Okay baba, am coming right away."

When he disconnected the call, I continued packing when something caught my attention.

"Khalif invited us to lunch? Ya Allah, Khalif, ya3ni Aliyah's father. Oh God, Ya Allah please help me with this." I took my car keys and after sitting, I could feel my heart beating up fast. I took a deep breathe and put the engine into life and rode away to home.

After reaching home, I saw everyone outside the house. 'Wow, they are all so excited to go, not knowing my current situation.' I thought to myself.

"Ya Allah, Mansoor hurry up. Go and change. We are late already." My father shouted.

"Ok, I will be back in five."

Five minutes later, i came out wearing a black jeans and black t-shirt with rolled up sleeves.

"Wow, you look dashing baby." Najma commented.
I laughed.

"Me and your mother will go alone. And the rest of you take the other car."

"Maysam, come on, lets go."
"But why dont we just go all in one car." Maysam, the mother suggested.
"There is something called privacy habibty, and furthermore, there is something i need to discuss to you."
Maysam could be seen blushing at her husband's comment.

The children just laughed and took the other car. Mansoor was making his way to the driver's seat when he noticed Sumaiya with tucked belt sitted at the driver's seat. Before he could say anything, a voice cut him.

"And yah, Mansoor, Sumaiya is driving. Let her do it." Baba said while sitting in his car and driving away.

Mansoor just laughed and got inside the car and sat at the passenger's seat beside his sister.

"Be prepared for your last drive because am killing all of you. Hahaha." Sumaiya did the devilish laugh and smirked at Mansoor.

"Oh no....." was the last thing Mansoor said before Sumaiya ignited the car and sped off, overtaking her parent's car who were shocked at her driving skills.

Assalam Alaikum.
What a bad way of ending a chapter. Am tired guys, I need to rest therefore am cutting this chapter now, and will continue with it later at night. Expect a new chapter at around 9 or 10 ok?.

Love ya guys.😍😍😍😍

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