Chapter 13.

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Sumaiya was lying down on her bed, clutching the pillow tightly, absent-minded, not a slight thought about whats going on around her but she was happy, it showed on her smile. Khawla entered the room to take her books when she saw her sister in her own world.

"Thinking about Khaleed?" She asked softly.

Without thinking, Sumaiya replied,

"Thinking about how your marriage will be like?"

"Yes." Sumaiya replied, now smiling widely.

"Its not fair though. Why are you getting Khaleed?" Khawla asked, frowning.

Sumaiya laughed.

"You want him?"

"Eeww No!" Khawla replied.

"Do you have someone by the name Khaleed?" Sumaiya now asked, sitting upright on her bed, facing her younger sister.

"Wish I had, but no. Didn't get any, while you got without even searching!" Khawla replied.

They got quiet before bursting out loud. Khawla was very happy to see her sister happy, it was all she needed.

"Well, gotta go do some reading. But you girl are lucky to get him." Khawla said.

"Thanks. But Can i ask you something before you go?" Sumaiya asked.

"Yeah sure."

"Do you think he is good for me?" Sumaiya asked, with a worried expression.

Frowning, Khawla asked, "Why?"

"Because you know me well, do you think we can live together, you know like compatability between us?"

Now Khawla sat next to her sister keeping her Biology textbook beside her. She affectionately touched her sister's cheek before saying.

"You should ask that question to your Rabb, not me, not yourself and definetly not Khaleed. Ask Allah, pray Istikhara, ask for his guidance on this, let your heart connect with Allah and He will connect it to him."

Sumaiya was just staring at her sister, before noticing tears slowly creeping out of her eyes and before they could fall down, she wiped them off.

Before Sumaiya could ask anything, Khawla stood up, grabbed her textbooks and left before saying.

"Don't mind me. I think its the time of the month. I have been crying over a video I found on youtube yesterday."

"Which video was it?"

"Baby Moana."

Suddenly, Sumaiya started laughing out loud, clunching her stomach because it was getting painful.

"Wallah Khawla you are not serious."

Khawla smiled before leaving the room and closing it behind her.

She slowly wiped off a tear which came down from her left eye.

"Of course am not serious."


In her bedroom, all alone with her disturbed thoughts which never left her alone, she sat wondering what was going on with her life.

She shook her head at her stupid thoughts before taking her phone and logging on Instagram.

Aliyah was just scrolling down when a post caught her attention.
'Be so full that even if they take, take & take, you can still be overflowing.'

One of the many reasons she loved Salma. The girl could literally read your mind for a minute and put all your thoughts into writing. She was strong enough to keep you strong but doesn't let you see that she was becoming weak. She was the one who could fake up a smile and move on with her life without you having the slightest idea of what she was going through.

But Aliyah was glad that she was among the few who could detect pain behind her smile, weakness behind her strength and a clean heart.

She immediately liked the picture before texting her bestfriend. They talked for hours over all things before Salma asked her about how she was doing.

"To be honest, I want to just get married to him like right now."

"Habibty, then do it in your Aliye style, go propose to him."

They both laughed at what Salma said but Aliyah kept re-thinking what she said.

"I could do it right? It wouldn't seem weird?" Aliyah asked seriously.

"Okay, don't tell me you took it seriously." Salma said.

"I don't knoow.." Aliyah replied, her voice now breaking.

" it the time?" Salma asked.

"For?" Aliyah replied.

"Never mind, of course it is. Am coming over right away." Salma cut the call before grabbing her hijab and looking at herself at the mirror one last time before leaving the house.

While she was walking, busy looking at something her sister sent, she didn't seem to notice the car that was coming to her way and before she could notice, her life flashed right infront of her eyes before being thrown over the car to the edge of the road.

No Salma habibty, I didn't kill you on purpose.

Assalam Alaikum.

Waaah it has been a long time since I updated. Sorry guys for the late late late update. Was kinda busy with school.

Anyway....hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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