Chapter 9.

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Assalam Alaikum. Sorry am posting it again because the last chapter wasnt complete, it was half way😊😊😊.

Do enjoy this lovelies.

P:S;;; i loooove you allll soo much.

"But why would his son do that to my nephew?" Khalif asked while frowning.

"Habiby, dont you think you should have atleast tried to get into his point of view first before exploding unnecessarily?" Ummu Aliyah suggested

"Exploding unnecesarily? What do you mean by that?" Khalif asked standing up from the bed.

"Am sorry, sit down please?" She begged her husband.

After he sat down, she took his hand and kissed it. Even after 20 years of marriage, they still didnt fail to express their love to each other, whether in private or public.

"What I mean is, you will never know why Mansoor did that to Ahmad until you get to talk to him first. Maybe, he did that for a reason?" She reasoned.

"What reason would make him beat up my nephew?"

"I also dont know, but there will no harm in asking."

He sighed.
"I dont know yet."

Ummu Aliyah let out a long breathe. She failed to make her husband see sense. She didnt like that her husband and his bestfriend are breaking up for no reason. She thought that if she could have made her husband try to see what he was doing to himself by staying away from his friend would have  made him realise the importance of having frienship in his life. But she failed.

She didnt want the same scenarioto happen to her husband.

She didnt want him to go through what she went through when she lost her bestfriend.

Because it was devastating!.

While Ummu Aliyah was trying to persuade her husband, the same thing was happening ten kilometers away.

In their bedroom, she was trying her level best to cheer up her husband who even after days, still couldnt get over what his bestfriend said to him.

After unsuccesfull trials in getting the two bestfriends together, the two mothers decided to meet up to discuss that issue.


"What do you think might be the reason?" Ummu Aliyah sighed putting down her coffee.

"Wallah I dont know! I tried my level best trying to make Yassir understand but he just cannot process what Khalif said to him. Am sorry to say this, but what Khalif said was a bit harsh to Yassir." Ummu Mansoor admitted.

"I know habibty, I know." Ummu Aliyah said before nodding.

"I dont know what Ahmad said to the extent where Mansoor did that to him. Poor kid had a broken nose for 3 weeks." They both shared a laugh before going back to serious thinking on how to resolve the issue between their husbands.

"I cant see Yassir this devastated again." Ummu Mansoor sighed.

"Me too. I dont want him to go through what I did. Loosing a friend is like loosing part of your soul." Ummu Aliyah said with a pained expression on her face.

"What do you mean?"

"Before I got married to Khalif, when i was 15 years old, I had a bestfriend whom I loved with all my heart. She was a part of me, my better half. But a misunderstanding occured between us and unfortunately she didnt give me a chance to explain myself. Later, I heard that they left the city and shifted to another country. If only she would have given me 2 minutes, just two minutes, I wouldnt have lived with a guilt in my heart for all those years." Ummu Aliyah took a sip of her coffee when she heard,

"You have the two minutes."

She looked up only to meet two tearing eyes with a smile.

She frowned before shouting,


They hugged each other with tears on their eyes but pure joy in their hearts.

They kept crying while hugging each other, so tightly scared that if they let the other go, they would never find each other again.

They laughed, cried, laughed again not caring abit about the audience in the Starbucks. While others were smiling at them, others were just frowning at the behaviour of two grown up women acting like teenagers,

But Duh!

You found your bestfriend after years, you are bound to act like teenagers.

"But why did you change your name to Maysam?"

Chuckling,"I dont know, You know, new place new name." Khulud replied.

"Nobody knows your real name?"

"Yassir does, and can i share a secret?"


"Only Yassir calls me Khulud. Sometimes, he slips and calls me Khulud infront of the kids. Its so embarassing when once Khawla came and asked if Yassir had another wife by that name. He says that Khulud suits me better than Maysam. When we are at public, scared that he may call me Khulud again, he just calls me habibty." She answered while laughing.

Only Khawla would do that😂

"But can i be honest with you?" Naifin asked.

"Actually, I had my doubts that you were the same Khulud i knew back then, but when you introduced yourself as Maysam, i had no hopes again in finding you again."

" too. I really had no hope in finding you. After our  fight  years back, or more like me just screaming at you, when i went back home, I just found bags at the door. Then it clicked to me that all those days that I was happy we were shifting while you were sulking about me shifting, had actually reached. I had totally forgot that we were leaving that same day. I couldnt even come back to you to bid you farewell. Part of me wanted to come to you but the other part was just really mad. But you cant blame me, I was 15 years, and i had anger-management issues."

"All in all, we found each other and thats the best part."


"Ok, so what do we do about our husbands?"

"Well, making them understand doesnt seem to go so well, lets just do the real thing."

"Which is..?"

"Lets bring them together. Fix up a meeting between them, but of course without their knowledge. Because to be honest, am really tired of this drama."

"Me too wallah. So a meeting that it!"

"Its a meeting."


And this is me bidding you farewell.

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