Chapter 22.

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It was nearly midnight when they left, as they didnt see each other for years now, they were so deep into memories that they didn't see the clock ticking. Marwa had left early though as she wanted to do her 'beauty sleep' while her parents stayed, talking and catching up with what they were doing in their lives. Khalid had come to pick up his wife after Maghrib but when he saw the sad looks on his wife, Mansoor, Hudhayfa and Khawla, he decided to take them out for some icecream.

While driving, Khalid would occasionally glance at Mansoor only to notice the gloominess on his face and sad look. He clearly wasn't happy with how his life was moving. His parents had approved of Marwa and Mansoor had no idea how he will convince his parents. It was a hard choice, either his parents' choice of a girl or his choice of a girl and he was just confused as a new student in a new school.

While buying ice cream, Khalid took hold of Mansoor's hands and led him to a bench near the ice cream truck. Only for some people walking by, the place was empty. Sumaiya and the rest went back to the car when she noticed her husband taking Mansoor to a bench, understanding what her husband was doing, she gave him a graceful look, thanking him silently for what he was doing as she had tried but failed, convincing Mansoor to go for his own choice of a girl was hard as he always listened to his parents. But Mansoor had failed to realise that this choice was for his own good, we are talking about his future here and its clearly that Marwa is not a part of his future.

There was silence between the two, Mansoor was thinking on how his life was literally falling infront of his eyes while Khalid was trying to think of the right words to tell Mansoor.

"Aliyah huh?" Khalid asked, licking his ice cream.

Mansoor nodded.

"Do you see this Marwa girl as the one for you?" Khalid further asked.

Mansoor shook his head, which made Khalid smile.

"Then why don't you just tell your parents of your choice? Is it that hard?" He asked.

Mansoor sighed.

"They have approved of her, they didn't even bother asking my consent. They went ahead and said that they were looking forward to be a big family!" Mansoor said with a hint of hurt in his voice.

That thing had hurt Mansoor so badly, his parents not asking him if approved of Marwa, but no! They went ahead approving of their marriage. He felt like screaming his lungs out! He wanted to scream NO  infront of their faces but he waited for his mom to look at him in the eye and notice the disapproval in his eyes. But to his dissapointment, nor did his mom look at him nor did she see it in his eyes.

"What if I talk to your parents?" Khalid asked.

"Will you? Please?" Mansoor asked with pleading eyes.

"Yes I will. But you have to quit with the gloominess in your face okay? Smile boy." Khalid told him before standing up and walk towards the car.

Mansoor smiled, for the first time the whole day. He looked up before a prayer left his lips,

"Ya Allah please help me for I am in distress." After that, he walked towards the car, smiling.

Sumaiya rose her eyebrows at the sudden change in her brother, she looked towards her husband, who was watching her intensely. When their eyes met, he winked at her. She felt a blush creeping up her face, she smiled at him before walking towards him. She took hold of his arm and kissed his shoulder before thanking him. He smiled at her before saying something which made Sumaiya blush profusely,

"How about you thank me when we are alone."

She smiled before going back to the car. The siblings were obvious to the romance happening infront of them but they completely ignored the couple and were busy laughing at a joke Hudhayfa gave. When the couple came back, the car was back at the road. The return journey was fun, joyous ride. Mansoor was giving jokes while Khawla was having a hard time trying to breathe, then someone farted. Hudhayfa smiled wickedly before laughing out loud. Everyone tried to open windows, Khawla who was seated between Mansoor and Hudhayfa, she turned towards Mansoor's window and stuck her head out. After that terrfying moment, they all laughed when Hudhayfa made a comment,

"And I smell healthy."

The car pulled up outside the house, the siblings thanked Khalid, before giving him a hug then walking back to the house.

Khawla immediately retreated to her room to take a long nap, Hudhayfa did the same. Everyone in the house had a peaceful sleep, except Mansoor, whose stress was back. Now that he was alone, he took a pillow and covered his face with it before screaming. He couldn't control the tears that came out of his eyes.


Khalif was sitting on the bed when his wife came and sat next to him. He could sense that her mood was off. He kept his phone aside then took his wife's hand before bringing it to his lips. The act made his wife look towards him before she came forward and put her head on his lap. Immediately, Khalif's hand was on his wife's head, stroking her hair gently.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

She shook her head before saying, "Habiby, Mansoor is not happy with the marriage between him and Marwa."

"Why?" Khalif asked.

"He has his eyes on someone else." She answered before sitting upright to see her husband's reaction to that.

"Oh really? Who is she?"

She took a moment before answering,

Khalif stared at her wife for what is seemed like an eternity before his lips twitched up in a smile.

"Really? You are not joking, are you?" He asked.

She smiled before shaking her head. "Am not joking, he is interested in Aliyah and I heard him saying that he only wants her."

Khalif couldn't contain his happiness before going down in prostration. It was clearly that this news made him very happy. After prostrating, he took his wife into his arms before saying,

"I trust him with my daughter habibty. I really do."

She hugged him back with the same force.

"Me too."


Assalam Alaikum.

Am sorry if you guys couldn't recognise the characters, Khawla, Hudhayfa, Afnan and Hassan from previous chapters. They are from my first book, Seeking Your Forgiveness. Do check it out.

So we see here that Aliyah's parents approve of Mansoor but will Mansoor's parents approve of Aliyah?

Till next time, God Bless❤

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