Chapter 25

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She deserves whole credit for this chapter⬆⬆

When something good is to happen, the birds sing and the weather changes but on this particular day all that happened, happened to Aliyah's heart. Well - Aliyah's and Mansoor's. They were both more than nervous but for some reason their hearts beat with such ease. Years of duah had finally, or was finally about to change into something tangible. Something they both craved even more than they knew themselves. Aliyah had been in Mansoor's heart longer than anyone else had ever been. She'd been his prime duah for years and finally after what seemed like eternity to both souls, a certificate was about to be presented to them. One that allowed them to live together, and be in each other's personal spaces for as long as they kept it intact. Yes, they were getting married.
Now this day didn't just have an effect on the bride and groom but on both families. Marwa was super excited, which shocked most people who didn't know her part in this story but that didn't bother her at all. Khalid and Yassir were seen walking circles in the mosque as they awaited the groom. The mothers, well - that says enough - they were being mothers. Stressing over every little detail to perfection.

"Are you sure Aliyah said she wants this bouquet here!?"
Everyone was on their toes. Everyone but Aliyah. She was on her knees, her head to the ground, crying her heart out to the one that created the love of her life. She was being grateful and she was being thankful. Medicine had her mind occupied most of the time but she would be lying if she said she didn't think about him every waking second. There were moments when holding on seemed so hard but Alhamdulillah for everyone around her who gave her hope.
The knock on her door forced her to wrap up her duahs and answer it. Mansoor's mom! She took in a deep breath as she welcomed her in.

"Assalamu Aleikum Hayaty. They're waiting for you at the venue." Mansoor's mother took her hands in hers.

"Waaleikum Salaam. Ummm ... I'll be right out!" Aliyah replied nervously.

"Your makeup is running. Let me fix it for you!" Mansoor's mother started fixing her make-up, unaware of how Aliyah was feeling being around her.

Aliyah was still shy when it came to her future mother- in- law. What she thought of her has always mattered and right now, she needed so badly to hear that she sufficed for a daughter- in-law in her eyes.

"You know, Mansoor was never one to talk about girls growing up. So I always knew one hundred percent that his would be an arranged marriage - which this sort of is." She lightly laughed as Aliyah tried to do the same. The nerves were finally kicking in as her stomach formed knots.

"But I don't think I could ever have chosen anyone better for him than you." And that's all it took. The nerves were swept away and the knots undone. She was all set to go get her man for good!

Mansoor, clad in an iron straight white thobe waited ever so patiently at the table with the imam. Well, not that patiently but patient enough. He had thought of every possible reason as to why Aliyah could be running late.

1) She gave up on us

2) She doesn't want to do this anymore

And yet he knew all his reasons made no sense. He had, in the few ten minutes that he'd been waiting, familiarized himself with the pen in front of him. How the nib looked, how thick the font was ...

Whispers of 'she's here' caught his attention. He turned around only to be met by his Hayaty. In a simple white long dress, she looked like royalty. In all honesty, she could dress in rags and he'd still be  intrigued. Aliyah rushed, much to the delight of the guests to her life - her future. She sat on the chair that he'd pulled out for her and smiled.
Hudhayfah read the verses of the Holy Quran to start of the occasion and the imam took over. In no time, Aliyah was wed to Mansoor and he placed his hand over hers. It was all finally halaal. And it felt as though a weight had been lifted of their shoulders. They both felt complete and as tears began welling up in their eyes, no one stopped them. For they all understood the struggle.

Aliyah raised her shaking hand to his face and wiped away his tears, an act she'd been dying to do for far too long.

"Never again my love. Never again." He took her hand in hers and kissed it. They'd completely forgotten that in front of them were about a hundred close friends and family.

"SLOW DOWN GUYS!" Shouted Hudhayfah as everyone laughed at them. Whistles were heard all around the room as they stood up and greeted the guests. To both this souls, nothing was ever going to top the feeling they got when the certificate was finally signed and they were declared husband and wife.
With his hand in hers through out the event, Mansoor steered the hall greeting,smiling with and thanking the guests.

But a surprise was waiting for him outside his car.

There she was, her hands on her hip, waiting patiently for them. Marwa looked up when she saw the couple infront of her. She couldnt control the tears in her eyes and for the first time infront of an audience, she let them out.

"Finally! I have been waiting for you guys to finish with the farewell." She took Aliyah's hand and pulled her into a fierce hug. Aliyah hugged her back with the same passion. Mansoor stood there, watching his wife, his hayaty, his girl.

"Well, you guys should give me my thank you." Marwa said which resulted in Aliyah laughing. Mansoor frowned, he didnt know what Marwa had done. When Aliyah saw the confused look on her husband- she still couldn't believe she could finally call him hers- and filled her in on what happened weeks ago.

Mansoor, with a shocked expression looked at Marwa, his lips breaking into a smile. He thanked Marwa sincerely, for if she hadn't planned that, Allah knows better what could have happened to him. The three conversed for about five minutes before Marwa bidding them farewell. Before leaving, she presented to her cousin a present, before winking at her and leaving.

For Mansoor, he's life was just beginning yet all his goals had been achieved. Mansoor said bye to his mom and thanked the guests once more right before they got into the car heading to the airport. In the car, Aliyah took off her scarf, and threw it in the back seat. Tears were threatening to fill Mansoor's eyes when she spoke!

"Nooooo! Hey! Listen to me my love. This has always been for you. And now you get to see it. I get to walk the house without a scaaaaaaaarf!"

Mansoor laughed.

"I love you wallahy."

"Awwwwwwwww baby! I love you so much. Alwaaaaaaays!"

"Wa Abdan!"

And off they went, to Maldives, her dream country.


Assalam Alaikum lovelies,

Whooooof! Finally am done with the book. Honestly, I couldn't have written this chapter without my hayaty's help, @Salmitta97, she deserves the credit for this chapter. Shukran hayaty, shukran jazakillah khairan jaza-a.

We have come to the end of Falling For You. Thank you so much for all the support you gave me the whole year. Thank You so much.

May Allah bless you all with the highest rank in Jannah❤❤.

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