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"Hassan! Awwab!" Aliyah yelled from the kitchen where she was cooking breakfast. She heard footsteps and there appeared infront of her were her twins, Hassan and Awwab. They had their uniforms on therefore they sat on the chairs and Aliyah served them their favourite, Canjera.

"Where are your sisters?" Aliyah asked her twins.

"Upstairs Mama, they are still putting on their uniforms." Hassan informed her mother.

Aliyah took a deep breathe before shouting again. Yelling had been her second best job, after being a great surgeon.

"Ahlam, Reem! Come downstairs this minute!"

Not more than a minute later, her other two kids came in the room, clad in their uniform too. Before all sitting down, Aliyah noticed one member was missing. She turned to Reem and told her,

"Sweety, can you go call for me your baba." Reem smiled before going back upstairs to call her dad but she found Mansoor already at the stairs. She greeted her dad before engulfing him in a morning hug. Mansoor kissed her temple before going to the living room for breakfast.

"Assalam Alaikum my beautiful family." They all replied simultaneouly before going back into eating. Mansoor took a seat next to his wife after capturing  her lips in a romantic morning kiss.

"Eeeeewwwww!" Everyone at the table expressed their discomfort as the sight of their parents kissing.

"Eeew all you want. I love your mother so much, and am creating an example here. My sons better treat their wives the way I treat my wife and my daughters better be treated the way their mother is treated." Mansoor said before turning to the kids. Then he turned to Aliyah before saying,

"She is my Queen."

Aliyah blushed.

"And he is my King." Aliyah replied.

"Okay Okay kids. Faster, we need to get you to school. Am already late. Am already late for my shifts." Aliyah said.

"Its your shift tonight?" Mansoor asked, frowning.

"Oh No. Am the chief resident. I get to do what I want." Aliyah said before winking.

"And am the chief surgery." Mansoor winked back.

Aliyah groaned. "Yes sir." 

Everyone at the table laughed.


"Are the kids asleep?" Mansoor asked sitting next to his wife at the couch. Aliyah snuggled closer to him and they got comfy.

"Yah." Aliyah replied. "Had a rough day at work today. The interns are so stupid wallah. We were doing Mr.Herper's surgery, the one with the kidney problem when an intern entered the OR to inform me that they needed me urgently. I had to leave the surgery to Dr.Afnan just to find out that they messed up with the blood transfusion. We had to conduct it again, and I had to apologise to the donors that they had to give up their blood again. Some refused to be taken their blood again and they left. Now we have to look for new donors to donate blood. We are short of blood group B-. Most donors were either B+ or A- . And guess what, the surgery wasn't successful because Mr.Herper needed more blood, of B- and we didnt get them. He died right infront of my eyes. I officially hate interns."

Mansoor laughed before engulfing her in a hug.

"You are so lucky you don't have to deal with stupid interns and nosy residents. Those people love competing for surgeries. I try my level best to avoid surgeries while they are willing to strangle each other for surgeries!"

"I think you forgot the position I am in. Am the one who has to deal with all of you." Mansoor replied causing Aliyah to laugh.

"Yah you are right. Am sorry love for the things you have to endure in the hospital. I just wish it wasn't a teaching hospital." Aliyah said.

"Yah." Mansoor replied.

"Mama, baba." They both turned around at the voice. It was Ahlam. She was crying. Immediately, they both forgot about their stress and parental mode was on.

"What is wrong habibty?" Mansoor was the first one to talk taking his daughter's hand in his and engulfing her in a hug. Aliyah stood up, she felt heavy but that didn't stop her from walking towards her daughter. Ahlam turned to her mom and engulfed herself in her arm. Aliyah stroked her hair gently and led her to the coach. They all sat on the same couch while Ahlam expressed her thoughts. She had had a nightmare and she was scared. She looked for her mom in her parent's room and didnt find her, she walked around the whole house until she heard people talking in the sitting room. She thought that thieves had broken into their house but felt relieved when she noticed it was her parents.

Ahlam snuggled closer to her mom and slept in her arms. After she was in deep sleep, Mansoor carried her back to her room before heading to their room. She found Aliyah on the bed, with her hand on her bump.

"Eleven years, seven months and twenty five days and I still find you mesmerising, beautiful, breathe-taking and cute." Mansoor walked over to his wife, and laid down beside her with his hand on top of her bump. He came forward and put his lips on her neck and kissed her. Aliyah shuddered. His lips found hers and their eyes closed instantly. Mansoor kept his hand on her bumb, very careful to not hurt her. Aliyah was aware of what Mansoor wanted from her and she gave it to him, despite being five months pregnant.


"I hate you Mansoor! Don't ever get close to me again!"

Aliyah screamed, clutching her husband's hand so tightly, her nails digging into his flesh but the pain wasn't felt by Mansoor at all. He kept wiping off the sweat from his wife's forehead and telling her how much he loved her.

Not more than five minutes, a baby cry was heard.

"Welcome to the world, baby Issam." Mansoor cried at the sight of his baby in his arms. He turned to his wife and kissed her furiously on the lips, thanking her for making him so happy, again.

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you." Mansoor thanked her, more than fifty times in that day.

Hassan, Awwab, Ahlam and Reem surrounded their new brother. They were mesmerised by its beauty and they couldn't control their questions to their parents,

"How did it come out  from you?"

"Woow! Were we this tiny when we were born?"

"How did it come out from you?"

"What is the name?"

"When will we have a sister?"

"Will he be able to play with us?"

Aliyah and Mansoor couldn't help their smile,

"I love you hayaty."

"I love you more my qalby."


Assalam Alaikum.

How are you all? Alhamdullilah we have come to an end in Falling For You. A year full of support and love from everyone. Alhamdullilah they weren't any critism this time and I can't help but say, Alhamdullilah.

This chapter is specifically for NimahAli for making me emotional. Originally, there wasn't going to be an epilogue but I did it for her. So babyboo, hope you liked it.




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