Chapter 6.

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When the car came to a stop, i let out a long breathe.
"Wow, that was crazy Maya."
"Didnt know I would survive that crazy ride. Mansoor, pinch me, because am doubting if I am still alive."

"Come on, it wasn't that bad." Sumaiya said while untuckling her seatbelt.

"Are you kidding me?" The voice said. We all looked around only to notice nobody spoke.

We suddenly heard a knock on the window. It was baba.

He was making some signs, I was trying to make guesses when i suddenly got it.
"Maya, roll down the window."
"Ooh.." She said while rolling down the window.

"GET OUT NOW!" Baba screamed.

Sumaiya came out slowly and stood infront of baba.

"Are you kidding me? What the hell was that? Who drives that way? What if you died? What if you all died in an accident? Do you have any idea how I would have survived? What if you all were crashed by a car? What if..."
He couldnt finish as Sumaiya had brought her hands up his neck hugging him. Baba hugged her back when Sumaiya mumbled a Sorry.

"Dont ever drive that way again, or else no driving for you again!" Baba said. Jusy then Sumaiya raised her eyebrows, challenging baba.

"Aggh..come on. Atleast take me seriously sometime." Baba with his hands up said.

Sumaiya smiled and said, "Ok baba. I promise I wont drive that way again. If i do so, you can take away my driving license. And no driving for me again."

"Ok, come on. Lets go. We have already made them wait for long." Mama said.

We walked towards their magnificent house. Ammo Khalif was a rich man, He is into business with my dad. And i guess thats how they met.

Baba knocked on the door when the door was opened. It was the servant. She greeted us warmly and showed us the way. Najma came forward and hugged her, asking about her health and her children. She replied with a smile. As i passed by her, I nodded at her and Sumaiya hugged her too. Hudhayfa nodded and gave her a smile.
When we were inside the house, we saw them. All of them. It was like a family reunion of something, because kids were running all over the house and I nearly stepped on a lego were it not for Hudhayfa pushing it away. That was a close one. I picked up the lego and held it in my arms when i saw her talking to a young girl, possibly Najma's age but when the girl saw Najma, they ran towards each other and hugged each other like they haven't seen each other for life. Najma went forward to hug Aliyah while Sumaiya, Hudhayfa and I just stood there not knowing what to do.

Just then, Ammo Khalif came from nowhere and hugged baba so tightly. I wasnt paying attention to their conversation when i heard, "Aliyah, Abdulrahman and Amal, handle them ok. Make yourself home."

We all nodded.

We all sat on the couches. It was pretty boring as no one was talking. Only the kids were making noises. I turned to my left and saw Maya with her phone. To my right was Hudhayfa talking to Abdulrahman, Aliyah's younger brother. I moved towards Maya and spoke quietly.

"Am bored."

"So, what can I do about it?" She answered while still engrossed in her phone.

"Come on, first of all, thats rude of you. And second we are guests here and if you busy yourself with your phone, it will seem kinda rude ya know?" I told her.

"Aggh fine." She said while putting her phone away.
"So what now?" She asked
"You tell me. Whats up with you with the driving huh? You scared baba."

"Hahaha, you gotta admit, it was fun."
"Well, yah. It was fun but dangerous. You clearly continued driving while it was a red sign."

"Rules are meant to be broken, and furthermore, the road was clearly open. You were expecting me to stop at a red sign where no cars were moving? Nah!" She said.

I noticed some movement. I turned my head only to see whom my heart beats for talking to her younger sister. She was talking in such a way that you would absolutely make out that this girl is really sweet. Her sister was shaking her head when Najma poked in and said something which made the sister to agree too. And together they all went towards where i think is the kitchen.

Later on, they came with some dessert. Isnt it ironical? You eat food first then dessert but here we are, eating dessert first. But it would be kinda rude to deny such yummy desserts. Amal was passing over the dessert in plates when she came infront of me.
"Assalam Alaikum." She smiled.
"Waaleikum salam. Shukran." I told her.

"Barakillah fika."

I immediately dug into the dessert. Wow, Yummy.

"Amal, who made this?" I asked her.
"Aliyah did." She said.

I stopped midway and looked at Aliyah. I found her staring at me already. She immediately averted her gaze to somewhere else. She was so beautiful, cladded in a loose dress with a black scarf.

"Earth to Mansoor." I snapped out of my thoughts when Sumaiya spoke.

"Y..yah?" I asked while trembling. Wow, that was the closest I had ever seen her. I closed my eyes, playing her image again and again.

"You can always share." Sumaiya said looking at me intensely.

"Later." I told her.

She nodded repeating after me, "Later."

I looked at her again and saw her either looking at her watch or the door. Maybe she was expecting somebody.
Suddenly the doorbell rang and she practically ran towards the door.

Minutes passed and she still wasnt back. Is she ok?

"Chill bro, chill." Sumaiya told me.
I rolled my eyes. 'How can i chill when it has been 10 minutes and she isnt back. Ok i know am exaggerating about the 10 minutes but come on..'

I was cut off my thoughts when she came back with another girl. I let out a long breathe. 'Alhamdullilah'.

When the kids saw the girl, they came running towards her, including Amal and Abdulrahman. She didnt shake hands with Abdulrahman though, she just ruffled his hair.

Aaliyah introduced her as Salma, her bestfriend after which they ran off upstairs, possibly her room.

I instantly felt sad when she went away.

"Dont feel sad habiby." Sumaiya told me.

"Seriously, are you a mind-reader or something?" I asked her.

"Haha, call it that way, i dont mind."

"Hey." A voice behind me greeted.
When i looked behind, I saw him. He was around 28 years old, without a beard.

"Aaliyah is hot isnt she?" He whispered.

Oh No, he didnt not just say that!!


Assalam Alaikum. As promised, at 10pm..a new chapter.
Here it is fellaz. Have fun😘😘

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