Chapter 23.

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Please make sure to read the author's note at the end. Thank you for keeping up with Falling For You.😍


"Mama I need to talk to you." Mansoor sat next to her mom on the couch.

A week has now passed since the declaration of the approval of Mansoor and Marwa, which had alot of dissaprovals but no one voiced their thought. Everytime Mansoor tried talking to his mom, something will happen which will end up distracting his mom, but today! Today Mansoor had had enough, he will talk to his mom, come what may!

"Yes son." His mom looked up from her phone.

"I need to talk to you about my life mama." This made his mom turn her attention to her son. She put her phone aside and turned her body to face him.

"What about your life?"

"I dont intend on marrying Marwa!" Mansoor said without beating around the bush. One thing about Mansoor was that he was straightforward!

"What!" A shocked expression formed on his mom's face. She did not expect for him to deny marrying Marwa. She always knew that Mansoor will end up marrying Marwa as they were childhood friends. They had a history together, they had that chemistry between them. They had what it takes to be a couple.

"But why? You grew up with her! You also always wanted to make her your wife, what happened?" His mom said with a confused face.

Mansoor closed his eyes, recalling how when he was  seven year old he always wanted to make Marwa his wife.

"Why did you give me your sandwich? I have mine." Little Marwa would tell Mansoor everytime he gave her his sandwich.

"I know you have yours but as they say, What's yours is yours and what's mine is yours. So my sandwich is yours and your sandwich is yours." Mansoor told her.

Marwa made a confused face.

"I don't get it."

"When I marry you, your wealth is yours alone while my wealth is yours too. Do you understand?"

Marwa nodded.

"You want to marry me, why?" She asked.

"Because you are pretty. And I love your hair." Mansoor told her before sliding his fingers along her ponytail.

Marwa would laugh everytime Mansoor would express his wish to marry her and Mansoor would always find her cute when she laughed.

But now, nothing made him mad than hear her laughter.

"That was years ago mama, I have grown up now, am not that stupid seven year old Mansoor anymore." Mansoor said before getting on his knees and taking her hands and entwinning wth his then brought it to his lips and kissed her blessed hands. That act softened her mother's heart. She felt like she could go against the whole world for her son. She knew she could.

She laughed softly before saying, "So, now that Marwa is off the game, whom are you really planning to marry?"

Mansoor smiled before answering, his voice with a hint of love and doubtness. He was scared if his mom didnt approve of her.

"Aliyah Khalif."

His mom's eyes widened abit before smiling slowly, then her smile widened to match her eyes.

"You mean my bestfriend's daughter?"

Mansoor nodded.

Then she said something which Mansoor didnt expect from her which earned her a hug from his son.

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