Chapter 8.

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Walking down the street, on my right hand is my favourite Mocha Coffee with my best friend Salma, laughing and making fun and jokes would be what you think as the best time ever right?

But its not!

How can I enjoy myself when my father is breaking, loosing his friendship, my sister Amal, her poor soul and not forgetting me, Would you really enjoy yourself when knowing your family members are broken and hurt?

Not me. I couldn't just stay there and watch them breaking when I could do something right?

So I did. But it was unfruitful, because convincing my dad was really easy, i could feel he had fallen for it, but coming back two minutes later, he had already changed his mind, about patching things up with Ammo Yassir. I couldnt understand until I heard them conversing with each other.

It was unbelievable! All that time, they were here, under the same roof, sharing everything we had with them, believing they came for good reasons, but it was shocking to know that they were just upto no good. They came for their selfish reasons, but for them to fulfill their selfishness, they had to break one thing that was on their way;

Khalif and Yassir's friendship!

Ridiculous right?

Five days passed but I still couldnt bring myself to tell someone what I heard. But one thing is for sure, hide your secrets from everyone but one of them you wouldnt hide it from;

Your Bestfriend.


"Oh Hell No! What kind of a person would do that to your...."

"What kind of demons Salma, they are demons!" I corrected her.

She nodded seriously, "Yes, what kind of demons* would do that! I swear, if it had happened to me, I would have broken something from their bodies by now, pretty sure their spinal code so they wouldn't walk again! Or should I break their necks? Yah! Definetly their necks, they would absolutely die right? Aaah, am such a genuis!" Salma finished that speech in less than a minute.

"I really love that idea of yours, but am looking for something big, bigger, BIGGEST!" I told her.


"But wait, what especially did you heat them say?" She asked frowning.

I snorted. "You dont wanna know!"

"Mom, I did as you had instructed, but look what happened to me? I got beaten up, propably he broke my nose. You ditched me mom! You were supposed to come earlier before!"

"I know, I know. Am sorry, but I didnt know he would take you outside the house. "

"But.." she continued, "We have done it right! Successfully. Now your path is open, my son!"

He laughed.

"But we could have just brought up a story, why separate them?" He asked.

"Their friendship would have caused their son and Aliyah to get married, which to us, would be the opposite of what we want!"


"Now, the only thing left is just to convince Khalif into getting you and Aliyah married. Just imagine, on the card printed: "Ahmed Ali weds Aliyah Khalif". Aaah, my dream is finally becoming true."

They shared a laugh, not knowing that the same Aliyah they are planning on, was listening to all what they were saying!

"You are only made for Mansoor, nobody else." Salma said out of anger.

I smiled at that.

"They are so cheap, Ya Allah. Are they serious? And am sorry to say this, but it seems like their plan reaallly did succeed!" Salma said while frowning.

I just nodded.

"Now, only one part of the plan left, getting you married to her cheap son!"


I screamed.

"Calm down, buttercup. I wont let that happen ever." Salma said while laughing hysterically.

"But, how are you going to convince your parents? How are you gonna bring the truth out of the dark?"

I gave her the smile.

"Oh no! I know that smile. What are you upto buttercup?"

"This!" I showed her my phone.

A video tape recording all of my aunt and his son's devilish plan.

Whooooooo hooo.
Assalam Alaikum. Loong time no reaad.

Ramadhaan Mubaraaak ahibaaaeee.❤❤❤.

I wanted to add this part at the end,

"Screw me, I screw you back! Am a lady like that!😎".

Hope you enjoooy3d.

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