Chapter 18.

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I was in the library, studying my butt off for the coming C.A.T. University life is the definition of stress, anxiety and having pre-stress for the stress you will be stressing for in the future, and my life was no different. I had to pass this exam, I had to make my parents proud.

Right next to my table were two girls, hijabis, I choose to sit next to them since the other tables had men and it was the only table with muslims, so I sat next to their table. I was engrossed in my reading when part of their conversation got my attention.

"Ya well, University of Nairobi has got some very handsome muslim men, like really handsome."

Aliyah had to agree on that, considering the fact that Mansoor was there.

They kept on talking and showing each other pictures of the muslim men there when Aliyah heard a name being mentioned.

"This is Ahmad, he is 20 years. He is got some abs as i have heard. And this is Khaleed, he is 20 years old too, he is really cute with that black jacket, and this is Mansoor, the most religious student in the whole campus."

Both of them laughed at that.

"Religious? The guy will leave his religion during the next semester, I mean this is Uni life, you gotta have fun while it still lasts. Plus I got his number, you can take it and have fun with him."

"Hahaha, give it to me, am gonna make him go from religious to delicious."

They both laughed again.

One of them wrote the number down and while she was handing it out to her friend, Aliyah snatched it from her hand.

Aliyah was seething with anger!

"Excuse me, what the heck is wrong with you?" One of the girls spoke up first.

"What is wrong with me is this!" Aliyah signalled to the piece of paper on her hand.

"What is your problem? Do you want it, we can give it to you, no need to create a scene."

"Are you his girlfriend? As I expected it, it seems Mansoor here isn't religious as we thought he was!"

By now the librarian had signalled for the three of them to lower their voices.

Girlfriend? Ya Allah, she had never imagined that a day will come that she will be labelled as someone's girlfriend, to make it worse, Mansoor's girlfriend!

No one saw Aliyah's hand approach the girl's cheek but after hearing some gasps, everyone was now watching the unfolding scene, leaving their books unread!

"You don't get to call me his girlfriend! And what is wrong with me is that you are literally making plans on how to seduce him when his wife is just few feets away from you!"

Everyone gasped!

Including the librarian!

"You heard that right! Am the wife to Mansoor, the most religious man in University of Nairobi and if I get to hear you  say his name let alone talk about him, you are gonna see the crazy somali side your mom warned you about!"

The library was drop deal silent!

Aliyah picked up her books, and left the library, ignoring the stares she got and gasps she left behind!

Immediately after she got out of the library door, she ran as fast as she could to the ladies' washroom and fell to the ground slowly.

His wife is just few feets away.

Am the wife to Mansoor.

Wife to Mansoor!

To Mansoor!

Oh My God!

"What have I done?"

"What have I done?"

"Ya Allah!"

"What on earth did I just do?"

While Aliyah was contemplating on what she has done, the news had reached Mansoor!

"WHAT!" came Mansoor's voice miles and miles away from where Aliyah was, but Aliyah felt like she heard him.


Assalam Alaaaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh.

Happy Jamhuri Day MY dear Kenyans❤❤. (Was it when Kenya became a republic or? Forgive me oh, I have dropped History😂)

I had to cut the chapter short because its our public holiday todaaay😊😊.

Kidding, I wanted to leave you all on suspense😈😈.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter make sure to tap the star button and leave some beautiful comments❤❤.

Till next time, little somali girl is out
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (I said it like the way Liza says it😂😂)

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