Chapter 24.

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"What?" A confused Aliyah said.

Marwa sighed before coming to sit next to her aunt. Aliyah looked at her expecting an answer. Marwa smiled at her before clarifying again what she had said.

"You finally had the guts to confess, because here I was thinking that the both of you will die single for the level of stupidity you both have." Marwa answered.

The look on Aliyah's face made Marwa frown. She turned to her aunt before saying,

"Aunty, am sorry to say this but your daughter is really stupid, like legit stupid."

Aliyah's mother giggled before saying, "That she is."

"I made the whole marriage to Mansoor up, I made it up so that you get jealous and fight me. I made it up so that you tell aunty about your feelings for him."

Aliyah smiled.

"I swear Aliyah you are really stupid. At first, I was annoyed as my parents were pushing me into marriage but when I heard you talking to Salma the other day I was going to meet Mansoor, and I heard that you wanted to kill me, for I was blubbering on how much I was happy to finally meet Mansoor. You didn't see me coming back from the toilet to take my blush and I happened to hear you say all those lies about me, I got annoyed at that you know but I could sense the love you have for Mansoor so I had to plan all that up. I was legit happy to finally meet Mansoor but unfortunately he wasn't that happy when he knew my intention of coming back. So just to get him to show that he felt the same way you did for him, I brought up your name in everything I said, like how i love heavy make-up while you dont. And I noticed that whenever I said your name, it got his attention. So I knew that he really loved you because he legit didn't listen at my talking at all. So am warning you in advance, he is a poor listener, he won't listen to you in the future at all."

Aliyah laughed, but her eyes held tears. She came forward and hugged her cousin so tight that Marwa had to complain as she was being hugged so tight that she felt her ribs are gonna break. Aliyah felt bad for thinking evil of her cousin.

"Am sorry habibty, am sorry for all those things I said about you, and the thoughts I had of killing you."

"Really! You had thoughts of killing me! I thought you had only thoughts of hating my guts but Oh My God, you went ahead and killed me!" Marwa said, feigning hurt.

Aliyah's mother laughed at that.

"Am sorry wallah." Aliyah apologised again.

"Naah its okay habibty. I would have done the same thing if I were in your place." Marwa said

"But, what about the other day I saw you outside the mall with that boy?" Aliyah's mother asked.

Marwa laughed before answering, "That was also fake. We had gone to the mall as group of friends, you know them Aliyah right?" Aliyah nodded.

"So, after buying what we wanted, I had gone outside waiting for my uber when that boy who by the way is known as Salman came waiting for his uber too. So we were having a small chat when he said something which was funny and am well known how i behave when I laugh so I was holding onto his arm to stop myself from falling when you passed by and I knew you had seen me, so to make you see me as a bad girl, I hugged the boy. Which worked by the way." Marwa winked at her aunt.

She laughed before shaking her head at her niece, she was a smart lady and really selfless. She did all that for her cousin. Even went ahead to accept her reputation to be tarnished.

"What a girl you are Marwa wallah!" Aliyah's mother said before hugging her niece.

"We can talk on how amazing I am later, first when are you planning to talk to Mansoor's parents?"

"Next week Insha'Allah." Aliyah's mom told her. "But wait, what about Salama, does she know all this?"

They heard a voice at the door.

"Yes we knew. We didn't know our daughter didn't like Mansoor but when she told us that Aliyah did, we accepted to be part of her plan. Am so proud of her." Ahmad walked in with his wife, Salama. They smiled at them and sat on the couch. Salama walked to where Aliyah was and took her hand in hers before telling her,

"You are really lucky to have Mansoor in your life. He is a gem, a real gem."

"That he is, but I hated him when we started secondary school. He was this mean guy I haven't met before. He was annoying wallah." Marwa said before earning a slap on her thigh by Aliyah.

"Hey, dont talk of him that way." Aliyah glared at her cousin.

"See aunty, she will forget us soon after she marries Mansoor." Marwa said which earned a laughter from everyone.

Aliyah felt herself turning red.


"Assalam Alaikum Khalif." Yassir called his bestfriend after he heard of the news concerning their children.

"Waaleikum salaam Yassir. I just wanted to call you when you called." They both laughed at that, and they fell into normal conversation. They asked each other of their lives and family.

"What do you say we meet at Blueroom hotel for tea?" Yassir asked him.

"Of course, why not! I will be there in ten minutes." After he cut the call, Yassir took his tea and drank it and then took out his phone to see his wife calling.

"Assalam Alaikum habibty." Yassir greeted his wife. She answered his salam before asking him if he was meeting Khalif.

"Yah I am, Oh look, he is already here." Yassir said when he saw his bestfriend walking into the hotel, he motioned his hand and when Khalif saw him, he walked towards the table and sat down.

Yassir's wife informed him that she was also going to meet Aliyah's mother.

While the bestfriends were conversing with each other, Yassir talked,

"So what do you say we turn our friendship into family?"

Khalif smiled before nodding his head. "I approve of Mansoor."

"And I approve of Aliyah."

While they smiled at the sudden reality that they had become family rather than just bestfriends, the condition wasn't different with their wives,

"Am happy to have Aliyah as my daughter."

"And am more than happy to give you my daughter."

They hugged each other before discussing about the wedding.

There was no point in asking Aliyah or Mansoor if they approve of the union because what they both wanted was happening already.


Assalam Alaikum.

I think we all owe Marwa an apology for hating her. She turned out to be so amazing, none of us could be as selfless as that.

Marwa: *smirking*

Authorz: Who gave you the permission to enter in my room? Get out!

Marwa: Wait, what..

Author: I said out!

Marwa: Fine am going but let me tell the readers an important notice. *Turning to the audience* The book is coming to an end.

Author: Hey! That was what I was suppose to say!

Marwa: Gotcha! *running out of the room before the shoe hit her.

Author: Bloody sorry guys for that! She is a stupid brainless woman! I take back what I said about her being amazing. Turns out she isnt!

Marwa: *sticking her head into the room* You can't take back what you already said.

Author: You are back! I said get out!
*throwing the other shoe at her face but it hit the door as Marwa had already ran for her life.*

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Till next time, love you💙

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