New Girl

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Alice gasped and attracted some attention to her. Edward watched her and I am confused. "What happened?" I whispered. They ignored me and it made me mad because I don't like not knowing things. Edward got up and left the room and Alice was grinning. "Can someone tell me what's going on?" "Edward has a mate and bloodsinger and she's Charlie Swans' daughter. She's moving here and we're gonna be great friends." She finished with a dramatic sigh. "I can't wait." She said. "So when is she coming?" I asked. "In three days." She said. "Is she pretty?" Emmett asked. "I think she is." She stated proudly. "Well let's get to know her before we give her hell, and by we I mean *cough* Emmett *cough*." Emmett glared at me. I smiled.

A couple days later is when the girl came. Isabella Swan is sorta pretty. She seems very shy, and looks kinda like an albino. I thought she would look tan since she's from Arizona and all. We all head the our classes and Jazz and I are some of the first people in there we sit down. "What do you think of Isabella?" Jazz asked. "So far not loving her. Nobody's shut up about her. 'Omg Bella's here I'm so excited.' 'Isabella Swans hot why didn't she come here earlier.'" I said rather irritated. He just chuckled. The rest of the morning went by rather quickly. We all met up at the Cafeteria. Rose and Emmett walked in followed by Alice and Jasper then Me then Edward. I eavesdropped on the Bella's coversation.
"Who are they?" Bella asked.
"The Cullen's." Angela Webber said.
"They're like Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster they moved down from Alaska like a few years ago." Jessica said.
"They kinda keep to themselves." Angela said.
"They're together. Like together, together. The blonde girl that's Rosalie and the big dark haired guy.Emmett. They're like a thing. I'm not even sure that's illegal." Jessica said.
"Jess they're not actually related." Angela said.
"Yeah but they live together. It's weird. The little dark haired girls' Alice, she's really weird, and she's with Jasper the one who looks like he's in pain. Dr. Cullen's this foster dad/matchmaker." Jessica said.
"Maybe he'll adopt me." Angela told them.
"The tall dark haired girl is Vanessa. Shes' got every boy pining over her and she turns them down. She's also kinda intimidating if you haven't talked to her." Jessica said.
"Is she nice?" Bella asked.
"Yes and it's annoying. Nobody can be nice and pretty at the same time." Jessica said.
"Who's he?" Bella asked catching sight of Edward.
"That's Edward Cullen. Totally gorgeous, obviously. But apparently nobody here's good enough for him. Like I care. You know? So. Yeah. Seriously. Like don't waste your time." Jessica said.
"I wasn't planning on it." Bells said.
I tuned the rest out.
"Looks like Jessica is giving Miss Swan the deets on the Cullen clan." I said looking at my family. Edward was staring at the back of Bella's head.
"What's wrong with you?" I asked. "Nothing. I can't read her mind and it's frustrating." I nodded in understanding. He hates being kept in the dark. I started talking to Alice about our upcoming shopping trip. Then the bell rang and we went to class. When the bell rang for the last class. I walked to Spanish. I have this class with Em and Eddie. I got they're and took my seat behind Edward. The bell rang and Edward wasn't here. "Em. Where's Edward?" "Don't know. I thought he was with you." When class ended we walked to the car and waited for everyone else to get here and he's everyone's almost gone and he's walking a little too fast. "You're leaving." Alice said. We all looked to him. "I don't know am I?" He asked. "You better tell Carlisle." and with that we all went home. We pulled in the garage and Edward got in his Volvo and floored it. We all turn to Alice. "What's wrong?"
"What did he do?"
"Is he okay?"
"When he was in Biology Bella's scent blew in a fan and it was to much for him to handle. So he's leaving for a while to control himself. I think he might go to Denalis."
We nodded. We went inside lucky Esme wasn't home she would've never let him leave. We kinda just did our normal routine and Alice explained to Esme and she wants back home but he needs to relax first.

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