The Fight

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Today is the day the newborns are coming. I was standing in the clearing with my family in a black tank, black jacket, and jeans with black boots and straight hair.

Jasper, Rebekah, and I were in the front and Emmett and Carlisle were flanking us with Alice, Esme, and Rosalie flanking them

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Jasper, Rebekah, and I were in the front and Emmett and Carlisle were flanking us with Alice, Esme, and Rosalie flanking them. The Wolves were waiting for a surprise attack. We heard them coming and got prepared. The first few broke through the trees and came at us while we went at them.
The Cullen's were standing there and the newborns were running towards them following Bella's scent. The pack was standing on the other side of the rocks and in the trees on both sides. Paul was staring at Vanessa who had a hard icy look on her face which if they weren't getting ready to fight he would've found hot. In the mountains Bella was watching Edward worried and he was telling her what was happening while Jacob was running towards the fight. The first newborns ran out and headed towards the Cullen's, Jasper and Vanessa took off running and jumped and bashed some heads in with their fists and started ripping off some heads and the others were following suit. When the clearing was full the wolves jumped out growling and snarling and immediately pounced. Vanessa noticed that Jared had two on top of him and broke the newborns head off and ran and tackled one off and quickly ripped it apart to where it was just limbs while Jared took care of the other one and nodded thanks towards her and she nodded back with a smirk before tearing things apart and causing people pain by looking at them and electrocuting them. Jacob showed up and went to work. Alice was fighting while Jasper was fighting and trying to protect Alice and ended up getting bit and that pissed her off so she went and took care of some and one bit her and she was furious. Paul could feel she was mad and stole a quick glance and noticed she was rubbing her arm and took off with a pissed off expression. He was worried but he couldn't be so he distracted himself by ripping someone apart. While they were fighting Edward and Seth was fighting Victoria and Riley while Bella was standing their helplessly. Seth was faking death and Riley went to help Victoria and held his head while she grabbed his arm and Bella found a jagged rock and cut herself a deep gash and their heads snapped to her and hissed while their eyes turned dark. They started advancing and left Edward and Seth jumped and grabbed Riley ripping his other arm off and dragged him while he was yelling. Edward tackled her and bit her neck deep and hard cracking her neck making it roll off her body. He didn't even look at Bella while him and Seth grabbed the parts and placed them in piles and Seth started whimpering while Edward looked horrified and told Bella they needed to leave after approaching her and wrapping her cut. Meanwhile at the clearing the newborns were being burnt and they were standing around watching them and the newborn who didn't participate and was sitting on the ground shaking. Vanessa and Jasper were standing their rubbing their arms because it stung. They've both been bit plenty of times and although it didn't leave scars on Vanessa it still hurt like a bitch and will sting for hours. Their was a vampire and Leah noticed and tried to take it on thinking she could handle it and Jacob intervened and the male newborn wrapped its arms around him and crushed his whole right side and the pack members demolished him and Jacob couldn't turn he was in so much pain. Vanessa and Carlisle ran over and looked at him while the pack changed and Leah came back out running her mouth. "Jesus Jacob I had it-!" She was snapping. "Give it a rest Leah!" Paul snapped back and glared and made his way over to his girlfriend and Carlisle. "His whole right side is shattered. I need him to turn to treat him." Carlisle said. "They need to get out of here. The Volturi won't tolerate them being here." Vanessa told him. He nodded. "You need to get out of here take him back Billy's and I'll get there as fast as I can." He told Sam. He nodded and him with the rest of the boys packed him up and left while Edward came with a passed out Bella from all the stress. For the next five minutes Edward was snapping and Alice was assuring him she'd wake up while Carlisle was attending to her. She woke up and asked why Vanessa and Jasper were running their arms and about the newborn Bree. The Volturi arrived and was asking about everything and about Bella's existence. They all said their greetings to Vanessa and Rebekah.
When the Volturi were done Carlisle, Rebekah and I rushed towards La Push and when we got there the had just got Jake turned and he was cussing like a sailor which I found semi-amusing. I went to Paul and put a put hand on his shoulder and he turned and engulfed me in a hug and attacked my face in kisses and I had a small smile. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded and he frowned. "What happened to your arm you were rubbing it." He asked knowingly. I lifted my sleeve up and showed him the red mark that had traces of venom in it. He narrowed his eyes and glared at it and I let out a quiet chuckle he looked at me. "Glaring at it won't make it go away." I said amusement making its way in my voice. He shook his head with small smile and hugged me his chin on my head since he was very tall. Carlisle took Jake inside and he was still cussing. Sam went with him and Carlisle said they have to re break his bones to get them to heal. When it started everyone flinched because it was so loud and pain filled. Emily was comforting Sue and Leah and Seth while Rebekah was comforting Embry and Kim was comforting Jared and I was comforting Paul while Quill and Embry were comforting each other too and Sue was comforting Billy. This went on for over an hour and Bella pulled up and started asking about Jacob when he started screaming again and Bella flinched and looked horrified. Sam and Carlisle came out saying that the morphine isn't helping so asked Sam if he wanted me to feed him blood. He looked at Billy. "Will it help him get better faster?" Billy questioned. Carlisle nodded. "It would help tremendously." Billy nodded at Sam and he nodded at me and I went in and walked to Jakes room. "Hey." I said and closed the door. "Hey." He croaked. "Sam and Billy want me to give you blood to help make the pain go away since your body is sweating out the morphine." He looked disgusted but nodded anyway. "Just don't think about it. Think that it's chocolate milk or something whatever you prefer." I suggest. He let out a weak chuckle and I bit my wrist and held it to his mouth and made him drink until it made him feel a little better but it wouldn't work all the way because he is a werewolf. "Thank you. Is Bella here?" He asked. I nodded. "Would you like me to get her?" He nodded. I left the room and looked at Bella. "He's asking for you." She took a deep breath and nodded and went in. I stood next to Paul who's arm went around my waist protectively.

Later that night I stayed with Paul we were cuddling and he looked at me. "Please don't leave me." He said quietly and vulnerable. I nodded. "I won't. Your stuck with me until you send me away." He smirked. "Well then I'm stuck with you because I don't plan on letting you go."
He said and kissed me passionately and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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