He's in for a Surprise

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I am currently in my Ferrari with Rebekah who is playing with my phone. "So how have you been lately?" She asked.
"Oh you know. Keeping up with my evil hybrid dick best friend, keeping my other best friend from going full blown ripper, hanging out with family. Same old, same old."
She chuckled.
"You dating yet?" She asked excited.
"No, but have you heard of shapeshifters?"
"I've heard of the term but I don't know what they are."
"Well shapeshifters are like werewolves and hybrids but don't turn on full moons or are part vampire. They change at will any time they want into huge wolves. You piss them off they shake very violently and they transform. They're all very tan and have the tribe tattoo on they're right biceps. Short cropped hair. They also imprint. When they imprint they find what mates are to us  I guess, kinda like their other half. Well I live in Forks with my family or coven and there is a pack of shapeshifters and one imprinted on me."
When I finished she was squealing with a huge grin on her face. "Oh my god this is amazing tell all about it." I just laughed at her. She's crazy about love but because of Nik all her boyfriends get killed. "Ok I'll start from the beginning. Well my family consists of Me, Carlisle and his wife/mate Esme, Rosalie and her husband/mate Emmett, Alice and her husband/mate Jasper. Next is Edward he didn't have a mate until last year. Her name is Bella Swan. Human. She is his bloodsinger.  Her blood is the sweetest smell ever. But she is legit a danger magnet. When we were playing vampire baseball three nomads heard us and the wind blew the wrong way and there was a tracker who enjoys the hunt and so we had to kill him but he injured her pretty badly, broken ribs, collapsed lung, broken leg, cuts, lots of blood loss. So in September it was her birthday so we threw her a small party because she was a major tomboy doesn't like girly stuff at all. So we kept it somewhat simple. She got a paper cut and Jazz he is the newest to try our diet. She was slammed into a glass table making her get injured yet again and Jasper had to be restrained. So Edward decided it was best for her if we all left and gave her a chance to change her mind because she wants to be a vampire and he wants her to be human. So when I went to tell the Alpha of the pack with Edward one of his wolves, Paul came out and imprinted on me. So my family left and I stayed and he warmed up to me after awhile as did the rest of the pack. So I had to leave to help Klaus and now you're up to date on my life." I looked over and she was teary eyed.  "That was beautiful. First Edward was willing to do anything to protect her and then you and Paul hated each other and it blossomed into love." I shook my head with a smile on my face and returned my attention to the road.

Hours and many girl talks later we were at Mystic Falls high. We all went in and I followed Klaus who looking for something and I heard Elena behind the doors. He's in for a surprise. We walked through and he stopped. "So your responsible for my hybrids dying. Come with me." He said and grabbed her arm and motioned for me to follow. Elena looked at me with a pleading face. I mouthed 'I'm so sorry.' She sent me a small smile. We walked through the gym doors and Klaus put on his ridiculous fake American accent. "Alright Listen up prank night has been busted. You can all go home." There was lots of groaning and complaints but oh well. That night Klaus compelled Stefan to turn off his humanity and he killed Chad and Dana two high school students and the problem is Klaus figured out that the Doppelgänger didn't have to die to become a hybrid her blood is the solution and I quote 'In the grave and mothers still trying to cause me hell'. Right now I'm at the Salvatore boarding house with Elena. Whom I brought from the hospital. Shes stirred a few times but she should be fine. She's just exhausted. I heard a bang and I looked to the door to find Damon had just entered. He stopped when he saw me and Elena. "Vanessa. What happened?" He said in a menacing way to other people he looked deadly and in my case I knew he was worried cause I can read him like an open book. I explained everything that happened. When I was done he pulled be in a bone-crushing hug. "Don't worry it's not your fault. Even though I'm still wondering how you became best friends with him, I know that you still would be loyal to your other friends. We'll get Stefan back sooner or later." At that moment Stefan walked in claiming he's here to babysit Elena. It looks like that we will get him back later. Then Rebekah came in stating that Nik left her and that she's staying here despite the Salvatore's protests. I had to leave to catch up with my family. I missed them so much so I booked a flight to Ithaca for tomorrow and Nik fled because Damon threatened something about Mikeal the vampire hunter, the one who's trying to kill his children, The Mikealsons, also the one that failed to kill me. Yeah so I'm going home tomorrow to spend time with family and then go back to Forks.

Right now I'm at the Grill with Bekah doing shots and playing pool. When we left I went to the basement and she went to her room. I grabbed a blood bag drained it and threw it away. I went upstairs to my room and into the en-suite and turned the shower on and washed my hair, and my body. When I got out I toweled off and got into my pajamas and got in my bed and played on my phone the rest of the night.

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