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We just got off the plane and we're running to the parking lot. "Bella how do feel about Grand Theft Auto?" I asked. She gave me a questioning look.

I sped to where they were. I got a Yellow Porsche(Just like the one in movie and book). "You couldn't have gotten anything more subtle?" Bella chirped. "No because we're in a hurry and I couldn't have gotten faster if I tried." And with that sentence we sped off to Volterra, Italy.

We dropped Bella off and disposed of the car, put luggage behind a bush and climbed over the wall. We spotted Edward talking to Demetri and Felix and Bella was between Edward and the wall. We walked up in the middle of an argument. "Now, Now boys play nice. There are ladies present." I said seriously/teasingly. I stood a little in front of Edward and closest to Felix. They argued a little more and then we heard heels clicking on the floor. Felix and Demetri straightened up and Edward relaxed a little. Just a little. Bella was confused as hell and Alice and I just stood there watching. Jane walked in between the boys. "Master Aro sent me to see what was taking so long. But now I can see why." Her eyes flickered to Bella, then Alice, then to me where her hard mask stayed but eyes flickered for a second with happiness then quickly masked it. I winked at her then she flicked back to Edward. "Come let's bring them to the masters. The girl comes as well." She gave her cold stone bitch face. "Bitch." I muttered knowing perfectly well she could hear me. I heard Demetri and Felix follow trying to contain laughter. I know they are just as excited to see me. We walked down many hallways and tunnels and I smelled my best friend and his siblings meaning they are all here. 'What the hell?! They are all together and no ones 'dead'. Thank God Kols not here then it'll be WW2   That's a first." I heard Edward chuckle lowly. Then we came to outside the throne room where Alec was waiting. Him and Jane exchanged words, hugs, and kisses and led us inside. Elijah, Aro, Marcus, and Caius were the firsts to notice my presence and Elijah smiled, and the other three faces lit up before they regained composure. Klaus and Kol were having an argument over the phone and Finn is dead and Rebekah was filing her nails not bothering to look up.  "Ahhh. Edward I see your mate has saved you and is not dead after all." Aro said in a dreamy voice announcing our presence. Me and Alice shot Bella death glares. She shrank away into Edwards side who threw warning glances at us. Klaus looked over and started smiling a real smile very wide showing lots of teeth and dimples. Niks eyes were full of happiness and excitement. I shot a wink at Klaus, then looked at Rebekah who had not looked up. Nik cleared his throat pointedly at Bekah who sighed annoyingly and looked up about to tell him off then spotted me and squealed and jumped out of her seat and ran to me engulfing me in a huge, very tight, and familiar hug. She didn't leave my side then Aro and Caius started talking blah, blah, blah. Bella has to become a vampire and we'll visit to make sure it happens. Edward fought Felix and Demetri and whatever. Then we were about to leave and Aro called out. "Dear Vanessa stay a moment please." Bella looked at me scared I just smiled and they left agreeing not to leave until after sun down. Then a bunch of people came in and I stood outside of the door and waited until the screaming stopped. Klaus started chuckling as soon as the door shut behind me. "God Bekah she's my best friend and you're hogging her." He said. "Well it's not my fault your lazy arse is still sitting down now is it." With that he got up and sped to me and picked me up and squeezed me. "Good....to see.....you too." I wheezed out. He apologized and set me down. Elijah came and hugged me. Then Demetri came and hugged me and Felix squealed like a little girl and ran to me after Demetri let go. Alec was leaning against the post with a smirk looking at me. "Was up Alec." "Nothing much watching you get squeezed to death." He said laughing. I rolled my eyes playfully and ran to Caius and sat on his lap. "What's up dude. I've missed you." "I missed you to Dear Vanessa." He said smiling and hugging me which I gladly accepted. I then went to Aro who kissed my hand and hugged me. "Great to see you. It's been a long time." I smiled and went to Marcus. "Vanessa. Lovely to see you again." I gave him a hug. I then went back to Klaus. "So what've you been up to? Wait let me guess. You've been turning hybrids, making my other best friend turn into a ripper. Again. And now you're spending quality family time which is something you don't do. How'd I do?" I asked him. "That's pretty accurate." "What are best friends for?" I asked smirking. He just rolled his eyes and pushed me and I gasped and put my hand over my heart and poured. "You hurt me." I said. "You deserved it, love." "Bullshit." I muttered under breath and everyone started laughing. He just rolled his eyes, a smile growing on his face. We talked for a couple more hours then I said goodbye and walked to the lobby where the receptionist Gianna was. She smiled and said hi. I walked over and Bella was peacefully sleeping in Edwards arms. I smiled softly. "You do know that you two are stupidest, most annoying, adorable couple ever?" I asked chuckling with amusement. Edward and Alice chuckled too. "Yeah well. Thank you for getting her here safe even though I didn't advise bringing her into this environment." He said looking at me. I nodded. "I still don't understand how you became friends with all of them?" "They were all I had before I met Carlisle and you guys despite how pissed I am with Rosalie. The others came along the way." I told him. He nodded with a small sad smile. Alice had tears in her eyes and hugged me. Several hours later Alec came and said were free to go. I gave him a hug and went to find a car. 'Edward I'm getting Bella's stuff and a car to get us out of here.' I told him walking off. I found a small fast car and grabbed Bella's bags and drove to where we were meeting. I found them and stopped and parked so they could climb in. They were in. "Really are you a mastermind at Grand Theft Auto?" Bella asked accusingly. I sighed sadly. "It was the best I could do." Edward chuckled from the back seat. "They can't all be 911 Turbos." He said amusing. "Yes well. I'm might just have to acquire one of those legally. That was a beautiful car." I said dreamily. "I'll get you one for Christmas." Edward said I whipped around in my seat not even paying attention to the road which Bella noticed and gave a terrified squeak. "Really?" I said a while grin on my face, eyes alight with excitement. He nodded and told Bella to go to sleep.

We got off the plane in Seattle and went to find out family in the parking garage. Edward was helping Bella walk while I was gliding next to a skipping Alice who went immediately to Jasper. I went to Emmett and Rosalie and stood next to them and Emmett gave me a hug and Rosalie looked down in shame. I sighed and gave her a hug practically saying 'You're forgiven.' She immediately hugged back. I pulled away and Esme said some words to Edward and Bella and Edward answered making Rose sigh regretful. Edward and Bella rode with Emmett and Rose so she could apologize. I got in with Esme and Carlisle after giving Jazz a hug. Jasper and Alice obviously went together.

At around 1:47am to be exact. Edward and Bella came around. She asked for everyone's vote and everyone said Yes so far. "Vanessa?" She asked looking at me. "You're already my sister and if this is what you want, then Fuck it. I'll support you No matter what. So yes. " I said walking to give her a hug. Then everyone said yes but Rose and Edward who stormed out very rage filled and pissed off. Then we all went our separate ways.

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