Meeting the Cullens and Baseball

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We went home for a meeting and everyone chose sides. You all know how this goes.
*Time Skip*
We aren't moving and Bella found out we're vampires. Edwards bringing her over to meet everyone officially. I'm in my room getting dressed. I chose a blue shirt, black leather pants, black heels, curly hair, smokey eye, and a nude lip.

Now I'm going downstairs

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Now I'm going downstairs. "Sweetheart, do you mind helping me with dinner for Bella?" "Not at all." I walk in the kitchen and we get to work. I smell human and apparently so does everyone else.
"Ugh. Get a whiff of that." Rose sneered.
"Here comes the human." Esme said happily.
"Guys this is Bella. Bella this is my mother Esme for all intents and purposes." "Hello Bella were making Italiano for you." "Bongiorno." She said. "Molto Bene. I came up to her. "Hi. It's nice to officially meet you. I've heard a lot." I told with a smile. 'I like her Edward.' He smiled. "All good things I hope." She said embarrassed. "Very." Esme continued. "I hope your hungry." She said. "Yeah absolutely." She told her. "She already ate." Edward concluded.
Rosalie broke the bowl she had salad in. She walked closer. "Perfect."
"I-I know you guys don't eat so."
"It's fine that was very considerate of you." She then glared at Rosalie. 
"Just ignore Rosalie I do." Edward told her
"Yeah let's just keep pretending this isn't dangerous for all of us." She said.
"I would never tell anybody anything." Bella told her.
"She knows that." Carlisle stepped in.
"Yeah well the thing is you've gone public now so."
"Emmett." Esme scolded.
"No she should know. The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly."
"Badly as in...I-I would become the meal." We laughed. Alice then is spotted walking in a tree. "Hi Bella" She said cheerfully. She hugged her and Bella awkwardly said Hi. "Oh. You do smell good." "Alice. What are you-" "It's okay. Bella and I are gonna be great friends."
She looked at Jasper who looked like he was suffering again. "
Sorry Jasper's our newest vegetarian. It's a little difficult for him." Carlisle said.
"Pleasure to meet you." Jazz said his Southern accent seeping through. "It's okay Jasper. You won't hurt her."
Alice told her mate. "Alright well I'm gonna take you on a tour of the rest of the house." Eddie told her. "Okay." "I'll see you soon." Alice called after her. "Okay." and on that note they left. "Well that went well." Carlisle told us. "She did good for being in a house with eight vampires." I said. They nodded in agreement. "Clean this up. Now." Esme told Rosalie.

A while later we heard noises from Edwards room and Ali, Jazz and I went to investigate.
Ali knocked and we went in. "It sounded like you were having Bella for lunch we were wondering if you could share." I told them. "I don't think I can spare any." Edward told us in a cool voice. Jazz and I shared smirks. "Edward there is a storm coming and Emmett wants to play ball. You game?" Jazz asked. His face lit up then fell a little bit. He looked at Bella. "Of course you should bring Bella. Jazz threw her a look. "You wanna watch vampires play baseball?" He asked her. "Sure. Go team!!" She said trying to be enthusiastic. We chuckled. "Lets go ask Carlisle." Alice said hopping up. "Like you don't already know." Jazz told her.

We were currently in the field waiting for Edward and Bella. I was swinging bats with Jasper, Rose and Esme are leaning on a rock, Carlisle is marking bases, and Emmett and Alice are tossing a baseball back and forth. We heard noises in the woods and Edward and Bella walked towards us. "Was that you we heard Edward?" Esme asked. "Yeah that was him." Bella confirmed. "It sounded like a bear choking." Em chuckled.
"It's time." Alice announced.
Rosalie was up first. She hit the ball and Edward took off he threw the ball out and Esme caught it and Bella called it. "OUT!!!!Woo!" Emmett screamed. Rose glared at him. "Come on babe it's just a game. She got up slowly while glaring at Bella. I was up. I nodded and she threw it and it went flying. I zoomed around the bases and got back to home and the ball came back seconds later. "Edward runs the fastest, Vanessa hits the hardest." Esme told Bella who looked impressed. I grinned at her. She smiled back at me. 'I'm gonna be great friends with this one.' I thought.
*Time Skip*
"STOP!!!!!" Alice yelled. We all ran to Bella.
"They were leaving then they heard us." Alice said.
"Lets Go" Edward said grabbing Bella.
"It's too late." Carlisle said.
"Get your hair down." Eddie ordered.
"Like that'll help I could smell her across the field." Rosalie sneered.
We all formed in a line in front of Edward and Bella loosely as to not raise suspicion.
Three nomads came out of the forests line and approached us. "I believe this belongs to you." The one in the middle said and threw the ball to Carlisle. "Thank you." He said politely.
"I am Laurent. This is Victoria and James." He introduced them.
"I'm Carlisle this is my family. I'm afraid your hunting activities has caused something of a mess for us."
"Our apologies we didn't realize the territory had been claimed."
"Yes well. We maintain a permanent residence nearby."
"Really. Well we won't be a problem anymore. We were just passing through." He told Carlisle.
"The humans were tracking us but we led them East. You should be safe." Victoria told us.
"So could you use three more players. Oh come on just one game." After contemplating Carlisle spoke.
"Sure. Why not. A few of us were just leaving, you could take there place. We'll bat first." He said then tossed the ball and Victoria reached out and caught it.
"I'm the one with the wicked curveball." She said with an evil smirk.
"Oh I think we could handle that." They started cheering.
"We shall see." Victoria told Laurent.
Then the wind blew the wrong way.
"You brought a snack."
We all went into protective stances while the other three got into hunters crouches.
I had my teeth bared at Victoria crouched in front of her if she thinks she's dangerous she's got another thing coming.
"I think it's best if you leave."
"I can see the game is over we'll go now. James." He pulled back but Victoria stared at me a second longer and hissed and went to James. They left. "Get Bella out of here. Go." We all sped to the house moments later and we went to the garage to get out stuff.
"-not easy to kill-"
"but not impossible." I finished for him while we were getting stuff.
"I don't relish in the thought killing another creature not even a sadistic one like James." Carlisle said.
"What if he kills one of us first?" Rose questioned.
"I'm gonna run Bella south. Can you lead the tracker away from here?" Edward told us.
"No Edward. James knows you'd never leave Bella. He'll follow you." Carlisle reasoned.
"I'll go with Bella. Alice, Jasper, and I will run her South. We'll keep her safe Edward." I told him. He looked to Alice. "Can you keep your thoughts to yourself?" He asked. "Yes." She told him grabbing Bella's hand. We put the stuff in the car while Rose was bitching about putting one of Bella's coats on. We got in the car I was in the back with Bella while Jazz was driving and Ali was in the passenger seat. Edward came to talk to Bella and we all looked away trying to give them privacy finally we had to leave and Bella started crying. I comforted her.
Hours later she fell asleep in my lap. I felt bad for the poor girl I know she feels guilty but it could've happened to anyone, well probably not but you get the point.

We arrived in Arizona and Bella was awake but barely so I picked her up and carried her in Alice got a room and we went up I set Bella down and went to the living room and we waited for something to change.

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