Ithaca and Idiotic Teenagers

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Right now I am on a plane that's going to Ithaca. I called Esme and told her I was coming and she was so excited. When I got off they unloaded my car and I drove to our house. The first person to greet me was Alice who jumped on me making us fall to the ground and Alice still has a tight hold. There was chuckled behind us and I looked to see the whole family minus Eddie, Rose, and Em. Edward is attempting to track Victoria I think is what he said. He talks to me every Friday because he knows I keep my word unless it's life-threatening. Rose and Em got married again and are honeymooning in Europe. Jasper peeled Alice off me and helped me up then pulled in another hug similar to Alice's but we didn't fall. Next was Carlisle who gave me a gentle hug and a kiss in the forehead. Esme was in tears she was so happy to see me. We went inside and talked all day. In a couple days Rose and Em are coming back home. Tomorrow Alice and I are going shopping which is long overdue. I plan on staying for about a month or so. I was with Nik for a week and a half. So I think I should spend a little more time with the family. We'll just have to see what's happening.

It's been almost a month since I've been here it's currently March. I was sitting with Alice and Rosalie when Alice gasped and her eyes went wide and she looked horrorstruck. I was in front of her in a second. "Alice. What happened?" She looked at me and explained that Bella jumped off a cliff and might be dead. I nodded and looked at Rosalie. "We're going to Forks to see if it's true. Tell them we left but not what happened until we know for sure. See you when we come back. She nodded and hugged me and I grabbed Carlisles keys to the Mercedes and off we went.

We got there the day it happened we had no idea where Bella was and if she was alive. We were currently waiting for someone to come home and we heard Bella's truck roll up and we were by the door. Someone walked in but we couldn't tell who it was and we were not breathing. Someone was looking for the light switch and I caught a wolf smell. I was closest too the light so I turned it on. The person jumped. "Bella." I said.
"Vanessa?" She looked like she was starved and I was food even though right now it's really the other way around. Next thing I know I'm engulfed in a hug. A delicious smelling hug I felt the veins under my eyes and my fangs peeping through and my jaw was strained I clenched it so tight. She looked up and saw my face. "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know." I shook my head and pointed behind her where Alice was. She turned and did what she did to me and Alice was looking the way I was. Bella also realized this. "I'm sorry I was just excited and I didn't know you haven't ate-" She was rambling and I cut her off. "Don't worry about it we're happy to see you too. It's our own damn faults for feeding but we were scared. Speaking of you mind telling us how the hell you're alive?!" She looked a little guilty and explained what's had happened since we all left. To her knowledge at least. She explained how when we left she wasn't doing so good and she found company in Jacob Black, another shifter. That must have happened after I left. She explained how he was a wolf and that before he was a wolf that he and his friends went cliff diving and that she found out when she did stupid things that she could hear Edward telling her not to do something. But she didn't listen and rode motorcycles and today she went cliff diving; by herself might I add and that Jacob pulled her out. I was furious. "I have never met someone so prone to life-threatening idiocy!" I seethed. This is all Edwards fault. We never should have left in the first place. Alice was torn between furious and annoyed. "I agree with Vanessa on this one. You should've never been so stupid." Bella looked down. "Come on Vanessa. We need to hunt." I nodded and tried to stand up but Bella pulled me down. She was looking at me with pleading eyes. "Please don't leave me again. I won't be able to handle it." I looked at Alice. "Please stay." She begged. We sighed simultaneously. Alice spoke. "Fine we will stay for a little while-" "You're staying here. Charlie won't mind." She said. "Ok but first we need to hunt. And get clothes we will be back in one hour." I finished. Bella looked a little nervous when I said we were leaving. "Will she survive the hour?" I asked Alice mockingly. She closed her eyes. "She should be fine." I nodded and we kissed Bella's cheeks and walked out the door. We went up the coastline and I got a bear and Alice got two elks. We ran to our house and grabbed some clothes. We went back to Bella's and we were only gone thirty minutes. We heard her moving around upstairs so we sat on the couch beside each other. When Bella came downstairs she seemed a little shocked and relieved. She sat down and layed across our laps. Her head was in mine and her feet were in Alice's. We looked at each other and smiled. That moment Charlie walked in Bella sat up and walked to the door. "Hey Dad. Look who decided to stop by." She said leading him to the living room. He looked at her weirdly. When he spotted us he had a ghost of a smile. "Hello girls. I didn't know you were coming back. Is it just you or did the rest come back?" He said 'the rest' a little tense and his eyes flicked to Bella who slightly stiffened. "No. It's just us. We were passing through and decided we would stay for a little while and we wanted to see Bella of course." Alice said sweetly. "Oh. Well that's generous." He said kindly. "Dad, can they stay here? I'm sure they don't wanna stay in that big house by theirselves. It'll make me really happy." She said and you could here the pleading voice behind her calm words. She doesn't want us to ever leave. "Of course. You can sleep on the couches." "Thank you Charlie, we appreciate it. Also I am very sorry for your loss. It must be hard loosing him." I said sincerely. Harry Clearwater just died this afternoon from a heart attack. His face fell a little. "Thank you. That means a lot. Well I'm gonna turn in. It's been a long day. Night girls." He said and walked upstairs. "Night." We chorused. Then the phone rang and Bella went to answer it and she dragged us along like we're gonna disappear. "Hello?" She said happily. "Bella. Are you okay?" A frantic male voice sounded on the other end.
"Yeah Jake I'm fine. I told you it was okay."
The line was silent for a few minutes. "Jake are you there?" Bella said getting worried.
"Yeah. Are they all back?" Jacob said stiffly.
"No. It's just Alice and Vanessa." She told him.
"Ok. Bye." He said then the line went dead.
"Bye." She said sadly into the receiver that was ringing with the disconnected sound. I pulled her back to the couch and tucked her in and sat in the chair and Alice sat on the couch. While Bella was trying to go to sleep. I decided that I was going to Emily's tomorrow.
*Third Person POV*
The pack were all at Sues and Jacob was outside on the phone. They all heard him growl and he set off towards the woods and ran trying to get his mind off of Bella hanging around the bloodsuckers.

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