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   [What Byron observed before him was quite shocking and unnerving, but we are going to have to wait a few moments to learn what it was because, at that point in the telling of the story, I heard some rumbling gurgling belching sounds from behind me, and, “Eeww, Daddy!” and discovered that the two-year old had just thrown up a bit. Fortunately, it wasn’t too bad and I was able to get off of the freeway and take care of him. I decided that he would be better served resting at home with his mother, so we went back home and deposited him in the care of his ever-loving mother (she was not horribly ill). Then, we battened down the hatches at home and reloaded the family minivan and resumed our asphalt journey to Grandpa’s house.

   Now, where were we, ah yes, at the open door.]

   It really was quite shocking and unnerving because what Byron saw in the doorway was a reflection of himself, except, in the reflection he was himself before shrinking. Then, when he looked away from the reflection and back down at himself, he was the shrunk version, so the reflection did not match what he actually looked like. And then, when he looked back at the reflection, he was the shrunk version of himself, so his reality and his reflection were exchanging back and forth from each other.

   Byron looked up and all around and saw that everything around him was doing the same thing – exchanging back and forth between the two worlds. And even though the two worlds had complete fullness of dimension, he felt as though he was embedded in a flat plane of highly polished metal, such as chrome. It did not look like glass because there was no transparency at all. (When Byron described it later to others, the best word he could come up with was super-dimensional because it was not really different at all. It was just so much more of what already was.)

   Byron then heard the voice of Jacobis, but he couldn’t tell where it was coming from. He looked all around him in this back-and-forth pulsating space and didn’t see Jacobis anywhere.

   “What are you waiting for?” said Jacobis.

   Byron did not know what he was waiting for, or even if he were waiting for anything at all. He just found himself completely existing in the moment. He felt like he might be fully satisfied to just stay right there, but at the same time, he felt an intense emptiness, like he didn’t even exist at all.

   He then noticed that he wasn’t breathing and that his heart was not beating. The only action that was in his mind was to lift up his right foot and lean forward and start to walk. But, the thought of doing so was a stark mixture of terrifying and exhilarating.

   He didn’t hear it again – he remembered what Jacobis said, so he took that step forward and entered his innereal. (Innereal was another word that Byron came up with when he was later describing this adventure to others.)

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