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   Byron had to admit that he really enjoyed his innereal world. As he walked, he kept finding himself thinking about how magnificent it was each time he noticed something new.

   As was mentioned earlier, he discovered that the innereal was “super-dimensional.” For example, he observed that objects had a “connectedness” to them when he explored a grove of trees growing next to the embankment as he made his way down into the valley. The trees in the grove appeared normal to him until he got closer and was amazed to see that there was no separation between them and the embankment. The grove and the embankment were one. It was like they were symbiotically co-existing.

   [“What does that mean, Daddy?” “Well,” said I, “Symbiosis is when at least two things work together to benefit each other. Like, those sharks that have those other fish that attach to them to eat things that grow on their skin. Remora, I think is the name of those fish, and they get food and the shark gets his skin cleaned. And, coexist just means that they exist together, preferably in harmony, of course.”]

   As Byron walked through the grove and passed by a particular tree, he would look up and see that the branches and leaves were actually part of the embankment. And then, as he was looking up and not where he was walking, he would look behind him and discover that he had passed right through the embankment.

   But, it was not as though they were not there, or merely an illusion. They had shape. He could touch them and feel their individual surfaces on his hands. And they weren’t trapped in a flat plane, like when he was first entering his innereal world. They were fully dimensional and completely connected and even way more than that. (Usually, when Byron explained this type of thing to people later, he would just shake his head a little and open his eyes a little wider and just stop talking. Adequate language would escape him and then he would just resume the story where he left off, which is convenient because the next thing that happened is quite exciting.)

   As Byron made his way down the winding path into the valley, he looked up ahead and saw Jacobis seated comfortably on a nice flat rock gazing out over the valley below.

   “Jacobis, Jacobis!” Byron cried. “It is so good to see you!”

   Then, as Byron was rushing down the path to meet him, he nearly stumbled to a halt when he saw that it was not Jacobis at all, but rather, another man turning around toward him.

   “Oh! I’m sorry,” said Byron. “I thought you were someone else.”

   “No trouble at all, my boy,” said the man. “That happens all the time. I presume you are Byron.”

   “Yes, yes I am, but… ” said Byron.

   “I’m pleased to make your acquaintance,” said the man, cordially. “I have heard many good things about you.”

   The man did indeed look like Jacobis, but as Byron studied his appearance, there were a few things that were different about him, most notably, his shoes. They were not at all like the mysterious looking pair that Jacobis wore. And, there was a certain something about his linen shirt that struck Byron as odd, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

   “Please, allow me to introduce myself,” said the man. “The name is Ajobis. I am a long-time friend of Jacobis. He asked me to meet you here and assist you in any way that I can with your journey.”

   “Oh,” said Byron. “That is wonderful. Thank you very much, sir.”

   “Oh, please, I appreciate your good manners, and certainly would expect nothing less of you, but please do call me Ajobis. We are going to become quite good friends along the way to your destination,” said Ajobis. “Now, time really is not on our side in this particular case, so we had better proceed toward the sea.”

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