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   Narrie was shocked to find that she had not passed through the gate at all, but instead, was still right there in front of the iron doors surrounded by the creatures without Byron.

   Byron, on the other hand, did pass through the gate and found himself in a large room. As he walked into the room further, he observed that the walls on the left and right were lined with square cubbyholes that were about five by five inches. In each of the cubbyholes was a wooden box.

   “You have certainly proven yourself to be quite an extraordinary boy,” came the voice of Ajobis from a place in front of Byron and somewhat elevated. “No one has ever been able to enter this room without my permission, at least not without perishing in the process. Yes, there definitely must be something different about you.”

   Byron suddenly thought of Narrie and wondered if she were in some danger of perishing because of what Ajobis had just said, so he carefully looked around to see if he could determine her whereabouts.

   “What is troubling you, boy?” asked Ajobis, curiously. “Oh, I think I know. It is your little friend. Well, not to worry. If she were here, you would see her. You see, orbs have no power in this room. Go ahead. See for yourself, stone boy.”

   Byron figured that Ajobis was trying to trick him somehow, but he was also concerned that Narrie might be lying hurt at the doorway. Also, as far as Byron knew, Ajobis was still unaware that his orbs were embedding themselves into his body, so he reached into his right cloak pocket to act like his orb was in there. Then, he squeezed his right hand and, sure enough, he was not able to transform into his solid body. That was disappointing, but Byron was also quite relieved to know that Narrie was not in danger somewhere in the room.

   “Byron, my boy, it appears that all of this was meant to be,” said Ajobis, thoughtfully. “That is the only logical explanation for all of this. You are meant to be here. We are meant to be partners. We are meant to run this glorious operation together. Do you not see it? It is perfect. You and I together, overseeing all of these magnificent orbs.”

   Ajobis motioned with his arms to the walls full of cubbyholes and Byron figured that the wooden boxes must contain the orbs that Ajobis had stolen from the other boys and girls.

   “All of their powers will go to us, Byron,” Ajobis continued. “All of the powers in all of these orbs will be ours.”

   “There is only one problem with your plan, Ajobis,” said Byron, calmly.

   “And what might that be?” asked Ajobis, inquisitively.

   “Well,” continued Byron. “The problem is that I am going to take all of these orbs and give them back to their rightful owners.”

   Byron then turned back to open the large iron double doors to tell all of the creatures that they were going to get their orbs back.

   “That is what you think!” screamed Ajobis, as he pulled a lever next to him.

   Suddenly, huge cannons rolled out at the top of the walls and began to fire on Byron. He quickly darted for cover and saw that the only safe place was up where Ajobis was. So, he raced in that direction as cannonball after cannonball nearly hit him and then pounded on the floor around him.

   Ajobis was out of control. He was shrieking like a madman as Byron got closer and closer to him while dodging cannonballs the entire way. (Of course, it would have been much easier for Byron if he could have transformed into his powerful solid body.)

   Unfortunately for Ajobis, he was dismayed to see that the multiple cannonball shots had caused a huge crack right down the middle of the floor leading to the double doors. It got bigger and bigger and then, the entire room shook as the crack went right up the middle of the doors and burst the two of them wide open into the room.

   Narrie and the creatures were stunned and looked into the room and saw Byron running up some steps to the higher platform where Ajobis was. They entered the room as the crack worked its way back toward the platform and created a wide cracking gap between Ajobis and Byron.

   When Narrie and the creatures got to the middle of the room, the shaking increased and wooden box after wooden box burst open. Each orb blasted out of its box and came together with the others in a huge whirlwind in the middle of the room. Ajobis watched in terror as each creature gave a victory cry and thrust their right hand into the air. Then, each orb flew out of the whirlwind and traveled to its rightful owner’s grasp.

   “No!” screamed Ajobis. And then, another severe jolt knocked him to his hands and knees. 

   Byron took a few steps back and then took a running leap to get on the same side of the crack as Ajobis. Just as he landed, the room shook again and Ajobis started to fall down into the deep crack. Byron reached out just in time and grabbed Ajobis’ left arm with his right hand.

   Byron looked Ajobis in the eyes, and said, “This looks a little familiar, doesn’t it?”

   “Let me go!” screamed Ajobis.

   “Let him go! Let him go!” shouted all of the creatures in the room.

   “Let me go, now!” ordered Ajobis. “I’m done with this! I am done!”

   Ajobis started to wail and Byron strained to hold on.

   Narrie made it up to the other side of the crack opposite from Byron and Ajobis, and screamed, “Byron! Byron, please, be careful! Don’t fall! Be careful!”

   Then, the ground shook again, knocking Narrie down and Byron to his chest as he held fast to Ajobis. Byron strained and strained to hold on.

   “Byron!” screamed Narrie.

   Byron then noticed that a swirling bliss gate was starting to appear way down below Ajobis, so he reached into his left cloak pocket and grabbed the third orb. Then, he gave Narrie a reassuring look and rolled off of the edge of the crack while holding on to Ajobis and then falling down into the sixth gate below them.

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