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   Byron was really quite overcome by the whole experience of returning the orbs to Jacobis. He felt like he had done well. He came into his innereal world; he was given a task to accomplish; he kept at it; he learned many wonderful lessons; he met treasured friends; he finished the task; and now, he felt satisfied and quite eager to return home.

   But, then a question came to his mind, “What about this?” he asked, as he patted his sides. “What about this vesture?”

   “You will be back,” answered Jacobis. “You have some things to learn about that other article of clothing.” He then directed Byron to the door. It was the same door. Just like the one at the base of Old Oaken.

   Byron embraced Jacobis and thanked him for an amazing adventure and then put his fingers into the five holes on the bar across the door. Lights flashed and tinkling sounds filled his ears and he started to feel the same feeling as he did when he felt like he couldn’t run around the tree anymore. The bar flung back and the door flew open and he seemed to be sucked right into the opening.

   Byron felt like he was inside a tornado, but he was not spinning around and around. He was merely being lifted up higher and higher. He also felt like he was stretching more and more throughout his entire body.

   Then, the real world started to rush at him. At first, it was like a postage stamp way off in the distance in front of him. Then, as it continued to rush rapidly toward him, it became like a postcard and then like a window poster and then like a billboard. Finally, when he just knew it was going to crash right into him, it curved and wrapped around him like an embrace.

   The next thing Byron knew, all of the motion stopped and he found himself giving Old Oaken a big bear hug. That shocked him and embarrassed him a bit, so he backed away and looked around to see if anyone was there in the clearing looking at him. Thankfully, he was there all alone by his favorite old companion in the woods.

   “Wow! What an adventure,” thought Byron. He then looked around and found that everything seemed to be normal in the woods. He was his old real-world self again. Then, he held his hands out in front of him and turned them over a few times. No tattoos. But, he most certainly remembered every detail of the adventure perfectly. He was back in the real world, but his innereal world was now just as much a part of him as the real world was.

   It was late in the afternoon, so Byron walked out to where he had hidden his bike and he got on and started to ride back home. The whole way, of course, his mind was re-experiencing all of the wonders of his innereal adventure.

+ + + + + + +

   Quite a few weeks later, Byron was in his classroom at school. He was half listening to his teacher and half looking out the window dreaming of future adventures, when the classroom door opened and the school secretary walked in and talked to his teacher.

   Byron had seen this before. It looked a lot like there was probably a new kid in town and they were going to be brought in and introduced to the class.

   “May I have your attention, please, class,” said his teacher, as the secretary went back out to the hall. “We have a new student in our class. Her family just moved into town and she is going to be attending school here with us now for a while.

   Then, the secretary walked the new girl into the classroom and said, “Boys and girls, I’d like you to meet Narrie.”

The End of this Particular Adventure

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