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   The ongoing transformation of the dreadful building was spectacular. The change was as dramatic as the difference between the Crusher and the Lighthouse. There were lovely banquet halls and adjoining fully functioning kitchens. There were recreational rooms, libraries, art galleries, healing facilities, performing arts theaters – simply everything, it would seem, that nourishes and uplifts life.

   Narrie, of course, was thrilled and excited to explore it all, while she was also caring for the creatures who were healing and being restored to their original condition. She was making many new friends and automatically assuming a position of leadership among them. They looked up to her as a stronger person who did not give up her orb. Some of the guard creatures were aloof about it all and… 

   [“What is a loof, Daddy?” was the backseat question. “Is it like a loaf?” I laughed and answered, “Aloof just means that the guards didn’t really care about what was going on in the building and with the other people around them. They just wanted to keep to themselves and not be bothered.”]

   Initially, the guards were staying at a distance, but after a while, most of them came around and joined in with what the others were doing. (Cotler was the one with the biggest issue, but again, that is another story.)

   It was into this environment of amazing restoration and healing that Byron and Ajobis entered. Narrie was sitting quietly by herself enjoying the view from one of the balconies when a swirling bliss gate appeared in the wall and Byron and Ajobis walked through.

   Narrie ran over and gave Byron a big hug, and said, “Oh, Byron! Byron! It is so great to see you! I just knew that you would… Oh, I just knew that you were… Oh, I’m just so happy to see you!”

   Narrie’s joy over seeing Byron had blocked out the fact that Ajobis was standing there right behind him. And, her emotions changed dramatically when she finally realized that he was there. She backed away stiffly from them both, and said, “What happened? Why is he here?”

   “Ajobis has had a change of heart, Narrie,” answered Byron. “It’s really quite amazing.”

   Then, Byron finally looked around and noticed the surroundings. “Where are we?” he asked Narrie.

   But, before she could answer, Ajobis said, “I can tell you where we are. And that will also serve to help you understand that I indeed have had a change of heart. A complete overhaul, actually. As much of an overhaul as what you see around you, Narrie.”

   “I am sure that you are quite amazed at how the dreadful building that I dragged you into and imprisoned you in has become this lovely magnificent warm and inviting mansion. Well, that is what has also happened in my heart. I am no longer that nasty mean cruel liar. That is all behind me now. I was wrong, horribly wrong. I have hurt so many… I have ruined… I have lost… ”

   Ajobis took a deep breath, and continued, “Narrie, will you please forgive me for what I did to you? I am so very sorry for how I lied to you and mistreated you. And, I feel the same way about all of the others also. I intend to seek their forgiveness and make amends in whatever way that I can.”

   “I have forgiven him, Narrie,” said Byron. “And, now I consider him a friend who I have gained in my journey.”

   Narrie shook her head, and said, “I don’t know how they’re going to take it. They were pretty thrilled to see you fall, and there has been much talk about how mean and deceptive you were so, I don’t know.”

   “Well, I am going to try,” said Ajobis, with somber conviction. “Will you please get the word out for them to assemble in the great hall? You can go ahead and tell them that we did not die and that I have had a change of heart and that I intend to seek their forgiveness. I just want to be as transparent as possible, without even the slightest hint of deception. I am done with that. It nauseates me now.”

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