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   The inside of the building was a mess. At first, Byron and Narrie didn’t think that they would find anyone still alive. But, then they encountered creature after creature and explained to them that they were there to help them to get back their orbs.

   They gathered quite a sizable following, but some of the creatures, who had been working more closely with Ajobis, were running away from them.

   Oddly, all of the creatures seemed to have escaped the earthquake unscathed.

   [“Is that a good thing, Daddy?” “Yes, unscathed is a good thing,” said I. “It means that the creatures were not harmed in the earthquake when all of the big rocks were falling from the ceiling and the walls.”]

   Byron and Narrie didn’t find any creatures who were badly injured, and they all seemed to be helping each other out of the rubble.

   As Byron worked with the creatures, he was able to ascertain from them where Ajobis stored their orbs. They told him about a large storeroom at one end of the house, so he and Narrie and a large group of creatures headed in that direction.

   When they arrived at the entrance, they encountered two massive iron double doors with huge bars across them. It looked like the end of the line, but then, right in the middle of the doors, a bliss colored gate appeared.

   “I think I had better go in alone, Narrie,” said Byron.

   “No. We’re in this together,” insisted Narrie. “I’m going with you.”

   “Ok, but turn invisible now and don’t let anyone see you until you are absolutely sure that you are safe,” instructed Byron.

   Then, Bryon grabbed the third orb and Narrie grabbed her orb and the two went through the gate while the group of creatures watched in amazement.

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