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   Byron walked all through the night and found that he didn’t get tired at all. It was still dark, but quite close to dawn when he arrived back at the tree. He knew it would get light soon, so he climbed up high in the tree and found a large branch to sit on with his back against the main trunk. A couple of smaller branches that grew out on both sides provided perfect armrests. Dawning was always amazingly beautiful in Byron’s innereal world.

   Byron let his peaceful mood linger long after it became light and then, he finally went down to the base of the tree to see if there were any signs of Ajobis or Jacobis. Both notes, Ajobis’ and his, were untouched. So, Byron decided to get himself something to eat and then walk in the direction that he remembered the second bird flying off into. He looked past the tree and on down the coast, and figured that his journey must continue in that direction to follow the bird.

   As he walked, Byron realized that his walking stick now, with the fourth orb embedded at the top, seemed to act like some type of energy source. He could feel it coming through his right hand into the rest of his body. He figured that this must have been why he didn’t get tired from walking all night long the night before.

   About midday, he came to a place where the path curved up to the left leading to higher ground. So, he decided to rest there for a short time and enjoy the sea while it was still nearby. He loved watching the waves break and listening to them as they crashed against the rocks.

   As he rested, he reached in and took the fifth orb out of the pouch to look at it. The bluish and greenish colors seemed even more vivid now than when he had first looked at it and they seemed to be swirling a bit. He then put it back into the pouch and back into the pocket and began the ascent up the path.

   As he got up to the top of the ridge, he heard singing. It was the most beautiful singing that he had ever heard. He was sure that he was hearing notes that didn’t exist in his other world, like the colors that did not exist there, such as, bliss. Again, there was no way to describe the sound, so he concentrated on how it made him feel, in order to come up with a word for it.

   It made him feel strong and sure and confident and courageous, so he decided to use the word “destiny”. He decided that this new sound would be called “destiny”.

   Well, that was merely the beginning of that discovery. When Byron arrived at the top of the ridge and saw where the singing was coming from, he nearly lost his breath at the sight.

   On a flat grassy place circled by trees was a chorus of dancing creatures. He noticed that they had wings, but they were not birds. They were acrobatic like lemurs, but their wings enabled them to leap much higher and farther. They were colorful and radiant and their dancing was as pleasing to watch as their singing was to hear. Byron counted twelve of them and just enjoyed their performance for a long time.

   One of them finally noticed Byron sitting there watching them and became a little shy about it. Then, the rest of them also noticed Byron and also became shy. And then, in an instant, they bounded away off into the trees.

   “Wow! What an absolutely wonderful concert that was,” thought Byron, as he got up and continued walking along the top of the ridge.

   In the late afternoon, Byron started to see the same thing that Ajobis saw when he was walking along that same path – a large oak tree. And, when Byron was still a few hundred yards away from the tree, with the music of “destiny” still playing in his mind, he started to feel a tingling in his feet. He stopped walking and looked down to see a pair of those unique shoes of hope forming around his feet from his soles up to his ankles.

   As Byron marveled at this new pair of shoes that had just miraculously appeared on his feet, he felt movement near his heart. It was the fifth orb moving out of the pouch. It then hovered in front of him and slowly divided in half along the crystal clear stripe. Then, each half slowly rotated flat side down toward his feet and moved down to his new shoes. The bluish half attached to his right shoe and the greenish half attached to his left shoe. Flashes of light flew out at they finished attaching. Byron just stood there somewhat dumbstruck by the whole event.

   Then, Byron looked up ahead to the tree and continued walking. Every step now felt magical. He could also feel himself in harmony with the walking stick. He felt totally connected to his innereal world. He felt one with it and in harmony with all of the sights and sounds and smells and tastes and sensations.

   And now, from just a short distance away, he saw his destination – Jacobis standing by the tree with Ajobis at his right side.

   As Byron walked up to them, Jacobis said, “You have done well, Byron. Yes, very well, indeed.”

   “It is so good to see you again, my friend,” said Ajobis.

   “And, it is wonderful to see you both, as well,” said Byron, as he walked forward and gave each of them a warm embrace.

   Evening was upon the three of them by now, so they continued talking while they shared a meal. Then, they each settled in for a well-deserved good long restful sleep.

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