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   Byron turned and looked back at Jacobis as he walked away, but he didn’t stop and he didn’t go back. He knew deep down that he must press on and accomplish whatever task was ahead of him in this exciting new world.

   As was mentioned earlier, Byron was now outfitted for existence in his innereal world. His clothing was like that of Jacobis, except he had no hat, and he still had his walking stick, but in a much smaller size, of course.

   Time passed quickly as Byron was assaulted with the newness of his innereal world. He stopped and encountered new smells from new plants. He gazed up at what he thought were clouds, but learned later that they were some type of flying creature. He became thirsty and tasted the closest thing that he could find that resembled water, which happened to be quite delicious and completely refreshing.

   He actually felt quite at home in his new innereal world.

   He had felt the warmth of the sun on his journey thus far, but as he thought about it, he didn’t recall seeing anything in the atmosphere above him that looked like a sun. But, what he did know was that it was starting to get colder and darker, so he quickly began to look for shelter. He was not tired, but figured that evening must be falling in this amazing new world of his.

   Byron was quite adept at outdoor survival and his many previous adventures would come in handy as he navigated his way through this particular adventure. A quick survey of the surrounding area revealed a small cave in a nearby hill, so he walked over and poked his head in and ascertained that it would be a safe and suitable place to spend the evening. He then softened the ground with some grass and leaves to make a mattress for himself, and in no time it was a cozy place to spend the night. He didn’t really feel it coming, but at any rate, he instantly fell asleep in his cozy little cave in the side of the hill.

   It was a restful sleep and Byron awoke inconsequentially, except for the fact that the grass and the leaves that he had gathered for his bedding had somehow become a cloak, which was now covering him like a blanket. He stood up and tried to shake off the grass and leaves, but soon realized that these were what the cloak was made out of. It was gorgeous, really, like nothing he had ever seen before. The patterns created by the texture and color and shape of the leaves, and the intertwining of the grass gave it a magnificent appearance. He then put his arms through the sleeves and discovered that it fit him perfectly. He was quite excited about this new cloak and was eager to discover what else the day would bring.

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