Chapter 1

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 First story so don’t kill me. I would like comments and likes but don’t worry, I will probably write a couple chapters before I expect anything.

Song for today is Ready, Aim, Fire- Imagine Dragons



I slammed my hand down on my alarm clock when it rudely woke me up. Today was the first day of my final year of high school and I couldn’t be happier. I wasn’t exactly the happiest person when at school, even though I had some friends there and I was a part of some clubs the way people treated me wasn’t really up to par. 

Getting ready I chose black jeans and a T-shirt with a dinosaur on it, on top I wore a purple hoodie with rolled up sleeves. Brushing my hair I noticed some red strands in the light. Sometimes when I looked hard enough with the correct amount of light I could see red imbedded in my brown locks. I took a step back and took a good look at myself in the mirror; my fluffy cheeks were rosy which highlighted my emerald green eyes. OK they weren’t really emerald green I just like to say that because they were the only thing of my body that I was proud of. In reality they were hazel eyes with green in the rim. The rest of me was plump and unattractive; you have to understand that I wasn’t the happiest person with the healthiest habits. My name is Ash and I weigh around 238 pounds. I know, not the healthiest weight I could be but hey, what am I supposed to do? Anyway you could say that my weight is one of the reasons I don’t like school... Or people... Or living, but after this final year I won’t have to deal with that anymore because beyond the boundaries of high school there will be this mystical land called University. Hopefully this magical place will be rigged with freedom.

Well, I had to get passed school first. As I waited at the bus stop with a couple other people who ranged in grades the bus finally arrived. I waited for everyone else to get on before I did. the bus ride was a half hour long and felt like it took forever with all the little students gossiping about their summer holiday. When I arrived at school everything was the same routine, check your homeroom, wait in the cafeteria with friends, then when the bell rings head off to hell. My first class had no one I knew in it. I looked around to try and find an acceptable friend but gave up when all I saw were drug dealers and slutty girls. Turns out guitar class doesn’t have the healthiest of students. the final bell rang and the most mousy looking teacher stepped in. he was wearing a plead shirt that made him look taller than what he already was and his glasses made his pale eyes pop out, not to mention making his nose look huge.

"Alright class settle down." Just as he finished speaking a boy my age stepped in with black hair that had small patches of dark blue. He was wearing a tight black button up shirt that hugged his whole upper torso nicely. You could see he had muscle because some of the upper buttons revealed a tan ripped exterior. He looked around the room and took a seat around the middle. I was sitting in the front away from the dealers because I knew that around the middle of the semester they would start smoking in class and I didn’t really like the smell of that from past experience.

When the mysterious boy sat down directly behind me it was almost like I could feel his eyes piercing into my back. "Well thank you for joining us Mr.?..." the teacher trailed off to catch the kids name. And then he spoke "My names Damon Smith, but if you really want to I guess you can call me Mr." he stated. I know I couldn’t see his face but I knew there must have been a large smirk plastered on there because the teacher became flustered. "Um I-I will just call you Damon. You can call me Mr. Foster now over the semester...” I zoned out at that point not really caring, I was mostly focused on the intense feeling something was burning into my back. Someone was glaring at me. I thought that maybe it was one of the sluts at the back of the class but when I glanced back it was this new Damon guy. He was staring at me as if I just kicked him in the nuts or something.

When I turned back a shiver went down my spine, what was wrong with this guy? it felt like the class would never end because this kid kept burning holes in me. Finally the bell rang and I escaped as fast as I could. Rushing to my locker I bumped into someone and my books went flying. Since it was the first day of school I didn’t worry about anything going missing but it was still irritating. "Sorry I didn’t see you there." I looked up with an apologetic smile on my face but froze when I saw a gorgeous guy standing in front of me. He was tall with dirty blond hair and green eyes. He looked down at me for a second before he started helping me pick up my stuff. "Sorry it’s my fault." He mumbled out. When he gave me my book I could see his arm muscles flexing and I blushed. "Thanks, I’m Ash. What’s your name?" He paused for a moment before answering, "I’m Jack nice to meet you." He bowed his head and then left.

Is it just me or did the boys in my school just get a little sexy? The rest of the day was a drag and the final bell rang. I went to my locker to shove my books in my bag and hurried out to the bus so I could go home. When I approached my bus I noticed at the parking lot that the two boys I saw were arguing with a couple other guys’ around them. The wonder of their conversation exited my mind when I sat down and made eye contact with a jerk boarding my bus. He must have missed the morning bus because he looked all dishevelled and tired. "Hey there fat ass what are you doing on this bus?" he said with a smirk I would love to beat the living hell out of. "This is the bus I have to take to get home." I said innocently, ignoring what he just called me. "Whatever, just try not to stink up the bus while I’m on. I'd like to keep my lunch inside my stomach." I refused to look at him after that. I didn’t want to disturb the asshole more than I already have.

'Just a couple more months', I told myself, 'and then I'll be free.'

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