Chapter 2: Into the woods

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"Shoot... I'm sorry" I said panicking, not knowing what to do, he must be really pissed now. I then turned to take out some tissues from my bag, I always carried a pack of tissues because some things like that might happen, you never know...

As I directed the tissues to offer them to him, he muttered something under his breath, I didn't quiet hear him but it sounded like the word hate or something like that. I froze when he took the tissues from me making our hands touch, I felt some kind of tingling sparks, it was funny since I never felt this before. But then I remembered what he said, hate?

"Hate is a strong word you know? It was an accident, I never meant to bump into you, I'm really sorry if I ruined your shirt. I can only offer to buy you a new one..." I said hesitantly, look who's talking though, the girl who hates her entire school, and maybe just a little bit herself.

Not guessing what his answer would turn out to be, he just stood there staring at me, like I was some kind of odd creature he never saw before. I saw a glint of affection in his eyes but it was soon gone.

I didn't want to wait for his response anymore, realizing that he was prolonging the time separating me from my bed, I decided to back away a little while he was cleaning his shirt and I suddenly sprinted to the next street, turned left and arrived at my neighborhood. I watched over my shoulder to see if he was following me, I saw him looking for me, but then I disappeared behind a wall and went straight home.

My house wasn't too big but it wasn't small either, it was normal sized. As I passed by the mirror in the hallway of the entrance I put my keys in the plate on the table, and looked at my reflection behind the glass.

All I saw was my pale white skin, light brown medium hair with natural golden locks and the black bags under my eyes probably from lack of sleep and stress too. I was skinny from the top, which meant I had no breasts unlike my three best friends, I had a small chest which I felt disgusted about, but I had a small waist and super curvy hips, my butt was normal not too big nor too small and my legs looked ugly, I always think I have big thighs but my friends always reassured me that they weren't big, they were attractive and had a nice curve, besides, I was still the skinniest between them.

Some people say I'm average for a 17 year old girl, but I was just 5'5, and believe me that is not so much. My brother and I look the same, people would always recognize us as siblings but I never saw the resemblance between us. I looked more like my father, John, and Ray looked more like my mother, Jane. She was nothing like me, she always had that beautiful smile on her face and had that short round figure with big curves, she always seemed to look full of life and joy, while I just looked like a dead person because of my pale skin and black bags under my eyes, strangers always thought I was sick or something, which made me envious of other girls who had color on their cheeks and had nice curves, but now, well I accepted what I look like, even though it took me a long time to finally tolerate it.

I shook my head and interrupted my thoughts by throwing my bag on the floor and entering the kitchen with my phone and my book. What did I need more than these two objects to complete my evening? Anyway, I made myself some food and started eating while reading the first chapter of the story.

I soon finished my plate and after putting it in the dishwasher I decided to go to this amazing place in the woods that only I knew of. Our forest has been searched and studied, there wasn't any danger in the areas that have been searched, but we shouldn't go too deep through the heart of the forest since it hasn't been studied yet, and there might be dangerous animals living in there, but they would never come near the perimeter. So I decided it would be nice to take a walk in the woods just behind my house and sit in my secret place whilst reading the book.
Summer hasn't begun yet and I was determined to finish that book as soon as possible because, well... What other reasons I have except that it was amazing.

The only reason there were woods behind and on the left side of my house was because, my house is located on the end of the street and just in front of the forest, the government hadn't got time to finish the street so my house was the last one in the neighborhood, and besides, I didn't want more neighbors in this small street, so our house had an amazing and peaceful location, no one could bother us.

I changed into some leggings and a black sleeveless shirt, put on some skechers and tied my hair in a high ponytail and went into the woods after locking the front door. As soon as I got out of the house and was on the porch, I saw a silhouette disappear in the forest.

'Oh hell no, you ain't going in there after you saw someone go in Lou' my subconscious made that clear to me, but then, what if it was one of my neighbors? And besides no criminal would come in here, the streets had security cameras and he would get caught.

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding, and sighed deeply before walking towards the trees...I didn't hesitate to go in there because, well, you know that feeling that you have deep inside of you where you can't resist something even when it's wrong. Like eating that whole birthday cake by yourself even when your mother threatened to kill you if you did so. That's exactly the same thing, except I might seriously get killed if I ever witnessed a crime scene and started screaming hysterically instead of making my way out discretely.

But then again, I wouldn't really mind if I got killed, or if I died. Let's say I'm not a big fan of my life right now.

'You have issues.' Thanks for the reminder Lou.

I entered the forest and made my way to the beautiful secret place, it was just trees but the place had an amazing lake and next to it there was a weeping willow, which I loved to sit under and just relax. As I arrived at this spot in three minutes, I sat under the tree pressing the back of my head on the trunk, closing my eyes and forgetting about everything that happened today, it was a really long day.

And I started thinking about my oh so amazing life until I was abruptly interrupted by a twig breaking. I looked up and I swear I saw a big paw retreat itself into the bushes. My whole life was currently displaying itself in front of me like a movie as soon as I was met by scary yellow eyes watching me from far away, the figure was hidden behind a bush but the eyes were glowing and it was hard to miss them. Without thinking I immediately stood up and ran away, because that's what I'm always good at, running away from everything, also because it didn't take me long to realize that only wolves had glowy yellow eyes.

As my house was finally in sight, I bumped hard into someone I never thought I'd see ever again, making me fall on top of him in a really awkward and intimate position...

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