Chapter 30: Not a competition!

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Lou's POV:

I came back to the beach with Maya right behind me. This time, I was wearing something nice, finally! Maya gave me her wrap up turquoise bikini, the good thing is, it was really pretty and the bottom part covered my bum nicely.

As I stepped on the sand of the beautiful beach, ready to finally swim, I was stopped by Ryan.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" He asked furiously, looking my body up and down. Even if he was furious, I could clearly see that his eyes held lust in them!

"A swimsuit." I replied reluctantly while Maya snickered behind me.

"It's one of yours isn't it?" Ryan spat at Maya which made her stop her giggles and nod in submission.

"Change, now." He ordered me but hell if I will! In fact, I stood in my grounds and looked at him with a challenging glare while crossing my arms over my chest, which involuntarily made my breasts pop a little.

'Bad move.'

"Make me." I said sternly looking directly in his eyes full of rage.

"Oh believe me I can make you, even if I'm the one who's going to change you with my own hands." He rumbled dangerously which made me shut up. I didn't see that coming...

'Well that's straight forward don't you think? At least take us on a date first you big asshole!'

"She threw the swimsuit you bought for her." Maya interrupted our staring as she felt the tension between us.

"She what?" He asked unable to believe what she clearly said.

"She threw-"

"I heard what you said! How could you throw it? It's the only thing protecting your body from these perverts!" He groaned while looking back at me.

"These perverts are your pack mates. Last time I checked they did nothing but show me respect!" I said while putting my hands on my hips in a stubborn way.

"Yeah? Well what about the others? They wouldn't mind staring at a goddess, now would they?" He growled as his stare got more intense.

His response truly shut me up. I didn't know how to answer, not because I was speechless of his compliment, but because I was shocked of how blind the mate bond was making him.

"Yo guys! We're gonna play some volley ball, wanna join?" Simon said as he came closer with a huge cheerful smile on his face.

'Rescued by stupid Simon huh?' Hey! He's not stupid. He's just oblivious. 'Oh admit it, he is!' A little, but aren't we all?

"Yeah sure." I told him before anyone else could answer. Simon looked at me but as soon as he realized I changed into Maya's bikini, his smile faded away and he kept staring at me. What was wrong?

"Wow..."He mumbled which caused Maya to explode in laughter and Ryan to smack the back of his head.

"Oh my god! You just can't contain yourself, can you?" I asked as I approached Simon ready to kneel down on the floor to examine his head, but Ryan lifted me up by the waist and held me in the air not letting me come closer to him.

"HE FUCKING CHECKED YOU OUT THAT'S WHAT HE DID!" He yelled as I froze in his arms.

"I fucking meant to say that Lorraine looked just like her but whatever!" Simon said, his attitude on the verge of taking over. Maya suddenly stopped laughing and me and Ryan looked puzzled. I looked just like who exactly?

"THEO, BRING ME SOME FUCKING CLOTHES!" He suddenly ordered as Theo nodded and brought me a skirt and a sleeveless shirt. Ryan didn't think twice and dressed me himself, not even hesitating a bit.

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