Chapter 27: Boo! Gotcha...

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Lou's POV:

Judging from Simon's expression I'm pretty sure there's a story behind all of this. Simon never showed a slight hint of sadness, then why was he showing much more now?

I'll make sure to find out...

Since no one was talking, and we all noticed the awkward tension, Maya suggested that we watch a movie.

"Alright, what type of movie do you want to watch." She asked making her way to the little drawer under the tv, searching inside of it.

Please don't say horror, please don't say horror, please do-

"Whatever, you girls choose." Theo said not bothered by it. I bet he's going to kiss Maya during all the movie and not actually watch it.

But thank god I'll be able to choose.

"Okay, I was thinking horror, what do you guys want?" Maya said while holding the horror movie in her hand. I immediately turned my face to not have a glance at the scary picture. The problem is that I can get scared of a simple picture, so I'm going to be dead if I watch the whole movie.

"Sure." Theo said encouraging his mate.

"Why not." Ryan replied while shrugging his shoulders.

"NO!" I said out loud but I wasn't the only one that said it. Simon said it at the same time which caused all heads to turn our way and look at us with a confused expression.

I blushed while Simon tried to deny his reply.

"You know...I don't think all of us can tolerate these...demonic creatures...I mean look at Lou, that poor thing is shaking." He stuttered a little before throwing it all on me. Oh okay Simon, I'll get my revenge.

I shot Simon a glare but all he did was give me a sly smile. Ryan looked at me worriedly, I mean no wonder, all colors were now drained from my face, I was as pale as a corpse!

"You know what guys, let Lorraine pick the movie. I'm sure we won't mind." He said the last phrase sternly leaving place for no argument.

I got up and made my way to the drawer and searched for a decent movie to watch. I really wanted to watch some comedy, to cheer me up from all the things that were happening.

Wedding crashers. I love that movie! It's hilarious yet also romantic.

I placed it in the DVD player and we started watching it.

A few minutes later...

Ryan was leaning on me, snoring by now and so was Theo. Maya was enjoying the movie not letting him distract her so he got bored and slept as well. Simon and I were into the movie and laughing whenever we had to, which was all the time...

I got up silently, not wanting to wake Ryan up, and made my way to the kitchen to grab some snacks. I opened the fridge, successfully, and took a bottle of apple juice and some chips and crackers. I was about to make my way back to the living room when Maya barged in.

"So...what's wrong?" She asked me and leaned on the door trapping me so I wouldn't escape this conversation.

"What do you mean? I'm completely fine." I answered. To be honest, I don't know how I am, I don't know the feelings I have for Ryan. I reject him but I also want him and that's very confusing...

"No you're not, you're rejecting your feelings Lou. You still haven't completed the bond yet." Maya said calmly.

"Well, I'm still traumatized about the fact that you're all werewolves, and that werewolves exist! I was supposed to be a boring girl with a normal life, turns out I'm still a horribly boring girl with a not so normal life and mated to a fairy tale creature!" I snapped at her which caused a smile to form on her face.

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