Chapter 18: Very!

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Simon stood up and the nurses took him to one of the rooms to treat his injuries. I accompanied him and entered the room with him. He couldn't even speak! He sat on the bed while they did their job, and I sat on the chair next to him watching him slightly, tears stinging my eyes and making my vision blurry every now and then.

It's because of me he's in this situation. If I had just shut my mouth nothing would have happened to him. But it's as if he read my mind because he took my hands in his big ones and caressed them soothingly.

"It's not your fault Luna, don't blame yourself. It's natural for a mate to act this way, especially if he's the Alpha." He mumbled but I still managed to hear it. I don't care if he's Alpha! He didn't have the right to beat him up.

"What can I do so you could forgive me?" I whispered as I rubbed my eyes, wiping the unshed tears.

"Nothing! You absolutely did nothing wrong Lou. Look at me..." He said as I looked in his hazel eyes, "You tried your best and for that I am grateful. I am not upset with you Lou." He gave me a genuine smile before adjusting himself on the bed.

"You should rest." I said with a small smile before getting up and leaving him.

I decided to go back to my room, as I entered it slightly I saw that Ryan was sitting on the chair next to my bed. He had my pillow in his hands while he buried his face in it exhaling my smell left on the soft material. He was adorable, but that wasn't the point.

He looked up at me with worried and sad eyes. I stared at him in disbelief. How could he?

I was about to turn around and leave but he suddenly slammed the door shut and pressed his arm on it, making it impossible for me to escape from what was coming next.

"I'm sorry Lorraine, I just...You weren't supposed to know about it that way." He whispered in my ear as I flinched when his breath fanned over my skin. Was he talking about Rebecca? I don't give a crap about her anymore, I'm currently trying to forget her but he decided to remind me about this whole messed up situation.

"I'm not a man whore, well technically I was..." He said looking down at me but I was staring at the floor not able to look at him at the moment. "Please take a seat, I'm going to tell you the whole truth, since that's what you wanted in the first place." He mumbled the last part but he was literally so close to me that it was hard to not hear it.

I didn't move, I was fine standing up. But he seemed to notice my stubbornness and furrowed his eyebrows at me shaking his head from left to right.

"You're not gonna sit are you?" Silence. I wasn't going to talk to him.

"Alright as you wish..." He said before lifting me up bridal style which made me yelp at his action and instantly wrapped my arms around his neck that way I wasn't going to fall. I still didn't look at him but he just stared at me with his beautiful ocean green eyes.

He placed me on the bed gently and sat in front of me, not letting go of my hands.

"After I was chosen to be Alpha at eighteen years old, I gave up on the fact that I had a mate, that's why I started messing around. I couldn't believe the idea that I had a mate waiting for me in this cruel world, I didn't believe it because a monster like me didn't deserve someone like you." He said which made my heart skip a beat. He was right! He was a monster.

"I started messing around, all the girls I slept with were meaningless fucks. You have to believe me Lorraine, I never cared for anyone before, they meant nothing to me. I slept with them for distraction, to clear my mind from...things, to forget about everything. But it wasn't the right choice to do and for that I am truly sorry." He said looking at me with hope in his eyes, wishing for me to forgive him but I stayed quiet.

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